
Friday, September 20, 2024

EVE Online September 2024 Patch Notes: Oops We Forget About Blueprints

I took a day's break yesterday and CCP managed to slip in another patch. I don't know if someone just slipped up with their decimal points or the developers heard some feedback from EVE Online's industrialists. So on Thursday, the rest of the industry changes introduced on Wednesday made their way to Tranquility.

Features & Changes:


In Yesterday’s patch, we reduced the inputs and outputs of the Genetic Safeguard, Genetic Lock Preserver, Genetic Structure Repairer and Genetic Mutation Inhibitor blueprints by a factor of 20, but did not change the blueprint manufacturing or copying attributes, which may have unintentionally throttled the construction of these items more on job time. We are, therefore, making the following changes:
  • Genetic Lock Preserver Blueprint
    • Max Runs for blueprint copies increased from 40 to 400.
    • Manufacturing time reduced from 16000 seconds to 1600 seconds.
    • Copying time reduced from 12800 seconds to 1280 seconds.

  • Genetic Safeguard Filter Blueprint
    • Max Runs for blueprint copies from 10 to 100.
    • Manufacturing time reduced from 32000 seconds to 3200 seconds.
    • Copying time reduced from 25600 seconds to 2560 seconds.

  • Genetic Structure Repairer Blueprint
    • Max Runs for blueprint copies from 40 to 400.
    • Manufacturing time reduced from 16000 seconds to 1600 seconds.
    • Copying time reduced from 12800 seconds to 1280 seconds .

  • Genetic Mutation Inhibitor Blueprint
    • Max Runs for blueprint copies from 40 to 400.
    • Manufacturing time reduced from 16000 seconds to 1600 seconds.
    • Copying time reduced from 12800 seconds to 1280 seconds.
Before continuing on with the rest of the changes and fixes I just want to make an observation about CCP's patch deployment abilities. Over the years the company has worked extremely hard to reduce downtime for players. Yes, we have a 5-10 minute downtime each day, but when I started playing in 2009 the daily downtime was one hour.

Nowadays, we expect major patches like Equinox to deploy in half that time. I compare expansion deployment downtimes my current main game Final Fantasy XIV. For major expansions like Endwalker the servers are down worldwide for 24 hours. A patch like we experienced on Wednesday would undoubtedly take at least 5 hours of downtime to deploy. So, hats off to CCP's infrastructure team for all the work they've put in over the years to make the deployment of new content and bug fixes much less painful.

As for the project managers and team leads, just because you have the ability doesn't mean you have to use it. In other words, just because the infrastructure team can deploy fixes lightning quick doesn't mean you should become dependent on the capability. I'm pretty sure the players would appreciate getting all the content deployed in one patch.

Now for the rest of the patch notes. The first is an additional change to the content deployed in Tuesday's patch. For this change, I have the feeling the issue wasn't trying to rush a content pass and just forgetting how EVE players think.

  • Only characters within 100km of the Horizon Breach Engine will be considered eligible for payouts in Horizon Siege Point sites.
And finally defect fixes. I noticed for Wednesday's patch no defect fixes mentioned for the user interface. I guess the plan had been to deploy fixes at the first opportunity and not add them to what turned out to be a significant content drop.

Defect Fixes:

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue which could cause the Zarzakh Emanation error message to show an incorrect, incredibly high number when trying to use a gate you’re not locked to while having an Emanation timer.

  • Fixed an issue where Structure SKINR licenses were not being displayed on the Corporation Administration page for the Structure SKINR.

Ranting aside, I hope people find this rundown of what is hopefully the last patch of the week helpful.

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