
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Siege Of Zarzakh Is Over, Bring On The Crimson Harvest

The Drifters have been unsuccessful in the Siege of Zarzakh. Horizon Siege Point sites and roaming Drifter/Sleeper fleets will no longer appear.

EVE Online patch notes for 2024-09-24.1

In today's patch notes for EVE Online, I noticed the Siege of Zarzakh had ended with the removal of Horizon Siege Point sites. An hour or two later I saw CCP publish a summary of the two-week event along with the next step in the story.

Subsequently, a shrouded structure of unknown origin, possibly the target of the siege, has appeared in Zarzakh without explanation. Intercepted messages indicate that something of note is set to occur soon, although the exact timing is currently unclear. 

Capsuleers are invited to investigate the mysterious structure in Zarzakh for themselves, but as of yet, no official explanation for its sudden appearance has been offered.  Furthermore, rumors are circulating that Thukker ships are preparing for maneuvers in the Altrinur system.

Is the Thukker gathering in Altrinur, a system in Metropolis three jumps from the trade hub of Hek? Or are players about to experience the launch of the Crimson Harvest? An annual event dating back to 2015, the event ran around Halloween and was the first seasonal event in EVE. Last year the event was extended to run an entire month, from 5 October to 6 November. For those wondering, the event started on the first Thursday of October. If last year's timing holds, then the Crimson Harvest will begin on 3 October. Given the popularity of the event, I expect login numbers to jump.

So we have the possibility of two live events running at the same time in October. The first is the popular seasonal event Crimson Harvest and the other is the continuing storyline leading up to the winter expansion.

With the good news I have to issue a note of caution. If we see the Crimson Harvest launch this week, that's a bad sign for CCP. An early launch of the seasonal event, along with all the associated sales in the cash shop, means CCP isn't meeting their quarterly revenue goal of ₩20 billion announced to investors on the Q2 earnings call. Yes, it's unfair our overlords in Anyang publicly set the EVE universe a revenue goal at its historical high while giving the declining Black Desert IP a pass, but as the saying goes, "It is what it is."

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