
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

EVE Online's Deepflow Rifts Get Nerfed In Yesterday's Patch

Apparently fishing is popular in EVE Online. At least, the Deepflow Rifts introduced last week certainly remind me of fishing, except failing to use the fishing rod, er, I mean tractor beams, properly results in an attack of NPCs instead of lost bait. The following changes and fixes were introduced in yesterday's patch.

Features & Changes:

Deepflow Rift:

  • Increased the rate at which Deepflow Adaptive Canisters can be found.

  • Instability will now stack when multiple tractor beams are activated simultaneously. Each tractor beam will be applied separately.

    • As each tractor beam will cause instability, manage your modules carefully so as to not disturb what lies beyond the rift. Be sure to have the opportunities window opened to best gauge rift instability.

Defect Fixes:

Deepflow Rift:

  • Deepflow Adaptive Canisters can no longer be found once the 27 canister limit is reached.

  • Electron Spin Resonance items now use their correct icon.
Notice the instability gauge is not considered a bug? I guess the devs figured multiple players would show up to the same fishing hole. Perhaps in high sec, but in other areas? I doubt it, which means players could show up in ships with multiple tractor beams and quickly run the site out of the 27 cannisters a player should receive during the time period the rift is active. And perhaps if the bug allowing players to receive more than 27 cannisters wasn't present the instability mechanic would remain as it was.

The patch wasn't just about Deepflow Rifts. The SKINR system received some defect fixes as well.

User Interface:
  • Fixed an issue where SKIN previews in the Paragon Hub did not display when first opening SKINR after logging in.

  • Fixed an issue where design elements appeared duplicated in the Slot Customization UI when activating a limited component in SKINR. Additionally, the "Metallic" component list no longer incorrectly switches to the "Basic" list after activating a design element.

  • Fixed an issue where sorting saved SKIN designs by name did not function correctly.

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