UPDATE 1330 UTC: The M-OEE8/Taisy gate in Tribute has shut down.
UPDATE 1345 UTC: Famed explorer Katia Sae is reporting on an Amar Navy mobilization in Sasiekko at the Raravoss gate. Sounds like Signal Cartel is mobilizing to check out the activity. Raravoss was the first system to reach final liminality.
Getting reports now that the Amar Navy is mobilizing at Sasiekko and Raravoss Gate #eveonline #tweetfleet Scouts on the way to confirm.
— Katia Sae (@Katia_Sae) October 12, 2020
Can confirm, not seeing in our storm history either.
— Katia Sae (@Katia_Sae) October 12, 2020
UPDATE 1430 UTC: The P3EN-E/Obe gate in Vale of the Silent is down.
Signal Cartel Public Service Annoucement: We wish to make our fellow capusleers aware that we have rescue pilots and resources on standby in most affected Trig systems. https://t.co/0N6AVcgxBe #eveonline #tweetfleet
— Katia Sae (@Katia_Sae) October 12, 2020
Hishai gate in Agil coming back online #tweetfleet pic.twitter.com/jWfVUsgMCN
— Reload 👻 (@ReloadGV) October 12, 2020
There's a new SDE. I'm running a conversion now. It's got Pochven in it.
— FuzzySteve (@Fuzzysteve) October 12, 2020