
Friday, January 12, 2024

Cloud Imperium Games Faces £150 Fine For Failure To File 2022 Accounts

Look, I get it. Cloud Imperium Games is special. Through the end of 2023, the company had brought in over a confirmed $800 million through its founding in April 2012 when outside investments are included. The gameplay itself will revolutionize the industry. Chris Roberts is a genius. But CIG still needs to file their financial paperwork on time.

As seen at 16:45 UTC on 12 January 2024

The above is the picture which greeted me today when I checked Companies House for information I need for another article. Cloud Imperium UK LTD is the company under which both the Manchester and Frankfurt studios operate. As such, the financial report from Companies House has extra information not available in the annual report CIG posts to its website.

Up until now, I could not assume CIG had not turned in its 2022 financial report by the deadline of 31 January 2023. A year ago CIG appears to have submitted its 2021 financial report on the final weekend of 2022. Because of the holiday, the report was not stamped and processed until Tuesday, 3 January 2023.

The received stamp is in 2023 due to the weekend

Also, one cannot simply assume because the document was not posted that CIG had not submitted the document. For example, the 2022 financial report was tagged as received on 3 January, but was not posted to the Companies House website until 10 January 2023.

Penalties for a private limited company

Given the scale of operations, the late fee is change found between the couch's cushions for CIG. The company is only looking at a fine of £150 if it turns in the accounts by the end of the month.

Still, what is going on at CIG? I noted the lateness of the posting of the annual financial report at the end of 2023. The year 2022, just from the revenues, was a wildly successful year. Or, at least, from the outside looking in it was.

Honestly, I expected to have moved on from 2022 where Cloud Imperium Games was concerned by this time. I have questions about just how bad 2023 was for the company financially and how well CIG needs to perform in 2024 to keep Chris Roberts' dream alive. In order to analyze the future, I need to look back at the past. I suppose given Roberts' history, filing financial returns late isn't surprising. And yet I was surprised. Go figure.