The Nosy Gamer
Monday, March 24, 2025
FFXIV's Gearset Command Was Solution 8
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Cloud Imperium Games' Los Angeles Office Closes
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Image taken from Reddit |
As part of this development re-organization, we have made a few significant changes. From a personal standpoint I have moved to Austin, Texas from Los Angeles to be closer in time zone to our main development operations in Manchester, Frankfurt, and Montreal. I am spending significant time at our largest studio in Manchester with almost 600 staff, as I sit with Rich and the teams, working towards completion on Squadron 42 and Star Citizen. As part of this, we made the difficult decision to ask the Los Angeles development team, which had increasingly been providing support for the main development teams based in Manchester, to relocate to join other teams, primarily in Manchester, but also in Austin and Montreal. Los Angeles, while shrinking, will still be an important office for the company, but one focusing on a business support role with Marketing, Finance, Legal and HR.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
CCP Games' Carbon Engine Moves To Python 3
With the latest update to the Trinity graphics engine going live on EVE Online's Tranquility server on Tuesday, I thought the time was right to bring up another significant update to CCP Games' Carbon Engine: the move from Stackless Python to Python 3 back in mid-February. But unlike other major technical changes in the EVE Evolved series, the change came from a highly reviled source by some quarters of the gaming media. That's right, the change came from the team making EVE Frontier.
The developers of the Carbon Engine ran into a serious problem: the lack of support for Stackless Python. According to a dev blog from the Frontier team, Stackless Python would not progress any farther than Python 3.8. A real problem as a look at the Python developers guide shows the end of life for Python 3.8 was October 2024.
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The end of life of Python's major releases |
CCP has a long history with Stackless Python but had reached a fork in the road. Either maintain Stackless Python 3.8 themselves or migrate to the main development line of Python 3. This, of course, presented a major challenge.
Over the years, CCP has been a major contributor to the Stackless Python fork but it has been stuck on a maximum of Python 3.8 for some time now, which gave us two options if we were to continue the development of EVE Frontier as a game for the next 20 years (and beyond):
1.) Maintain Stackless Python fork ourselves
2.) Move towards vanilla Python 3
At this point I should mention the same challenge for development also faced the team of developers working on EVE Online. The upgrade was not an easy, or quick, task.
Around 4 million lines of Python code and 1 million lines of C++ code make up the EVE Frontier client and server. Many of these needed to be updated or completely changed.
Python 3 is a major upgrade but contained a number of backwards-incompatible changes. Many of these have a very simple migration path, such as changes to print statements which transforms to print "hello world!" to print("hello world!") . However others were more complicated, such as division changing from being an integer division to a floating-point division (in this case we can, at the cost of code readability and a small performance cost, do a safe transformation).
Veteran EVE players probably winced at the thought of the effect those small changes potentially would have on the game if not performed properly. Or, at least on EVE Online as those playing in Frontier wouldn't feel the effects as they didn't have experience with changing outcomes of formulas.
In addition, other challenges arose: some things no longer work. For example you can’t compare two types that aren’t comparable. This had historical reasoning but in our development we have come across code where sorting list of tuples sees the second element being not comparable. We also have C++ code that is exposed to Python and that interface changed quite a bit between Python versions. For example any code written and compiled for Python 2 does not work for Python 3.
These and similar issues have already been found and fixed, however there may be more lurking in code that is seldomly executed or only executed in a production environment.
I think with the relaxation of the NDA I can mention I was involved in the test phase in which the developers flipped the switch to run the version of the Carbon Engine using Python 3. Trust me, I'd rather the testing continue on the Frontier servers.
The amount of work was staggering:
- 4 million lines of Python code made Python 3 compatible
- 5840 files modified
- 80,564 lines changed
- 18,461 lines added
- 16,305 lines deleted
- All C++ interfaces to Python now compatible with a Python 3 interpreter
- The developers rewrote a large portion of the network stack
- Implemented a new scheduler to work with greenlets
- Upgraded all of of the developers tools to use Python 3
Estimating performance improvements in a complex product such as Frontier is difficult. When we do measurements on certain code paths we can see improvements in some and regression in others. However, what the net effect it has depends on how often those code paths are executed.You could get some numbers if we had consistent load before and after the Python 3 upgrade but that is not the case for Frontier. That being said, what we can clearly see in our numbers is that when we measure more complicated code paths, such as multiple users logging in or weapons being fired we are seeing between 10% to 30% performance increase.An impressive result, especially when considering we are still developing EVE Frontier itself in a live environment! You could say we have been replacing the engine while the car is running. A massive undertaking the payoff is huge: EVE Frontier is now running smoothly on Python 3.12, setting the stage for all future development.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
EVE Online's Trinity Graphics Engine Receives An Upgrade
Yesterday CCP Games introduced a major upgrade to its Carbon Engine. The graphics engine, known as Trinity, now utilizes a GPU-Driven Rendering Pipeline in on EVE Online's global game shard known as Tranquility.
Revenant just got a major update, and the evolution continues. New Eden now moves faster, flows smoother, and feels more vibrant than ever. The new GPU-Driven Rendering Pipeline is now live, boosting performance and unlocking a more responsive, immersive experience for DirectX 12 and macOS. Battles unfold with greater fluidity, your ship reacts with razor-sharp precision, and the vastness of space stretches before you with even greater clarity.
This is not just an upgrade – it’s evolution in motion. With an average of 10-30% higher FPS in busy scenes, every decision, every dogfight, and every daring escape is now sharper, faster, and more thrilling than ever. And this is only the beginning, paving the way for even more graphical enhancements in the future.
The concept of the GPU-Driven Rendering Pipeline was first introduced at Fanfest 2023.
At Fanfest 2023 a future vision for some of planned changes was presented. One of these features, known as a GPU Driven Pipeline, is a technical change in the way the CPU and GPU work together. Traditionally, rendering a scene involves the CPU figuring out what to send to the GPU, and then the GPU doing the work. While the linked presentation goes into more detail, a more modern rendering pipeline allows the GPU to do more of these calculations overall, reducing the CPU overhead. This is great for a few reasons:
- EVE is often CPU-bound, meaning the CPU is the limiting factor and not the GPU. Freeing up the CPU in these situations can be very beneficial.
- A modern GPU can render more frames with this approach – it’s just simply faster due to the advances DirectX 12 (Windows) and Metal (macOS) offer with modern GPUs.
- It makes adding or changing features in the codebase easier, allowing improvements to reach capsuleers faster. In addition, it simplifies processes for artists bringing new assets to the game.
The move to a GPU Driven Pipeline required significant refactoring of Trinity, but it sets EVE up nicely for the development of more features, unlocking better performance, and increasing graphical fidelity in the future. You may already have seen some of these improvements in mass tests last year, such as upscaling and raytraced shadows. Although not ready for release to Tranquility yet, these tests validated the approach taken. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the tests last year and this past weekend. Your contribution really helps!With the GPU now used more efficiently, more situations in the client will be GPU-limited (even though the overall framerate is higher). Upscaling solutions will enable even higher framerates in these scenarios. More details on that will follow in future dev blogs.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Looking Forward To FFXIV's Cosmic Explorations
Last Friday I learned what I'll spend a lot of time doing in Final Fantasy XIV over the next 12-18 months: Cosmic Explorations. Sounding a lot like Shadowbringers' Ishgard Restoration, Cosmic Explorations not only will provide group content for crafters and gatherers but their enhanced tools for Dawntrail as well.
Content for gatherers and crafters level 10 and up who have completed the MSQ quest Dawntrail, players begin building a base on the moon with the release of patch 7.21 on 22 April, meaning I have a very short time to try out the content before jetting off to Iceland for EVE's Fanfest. But with patch 7.3 scheduled to come out sometime in July I should have time to catch up to most people.
One major improvement over Ishgard Restoration is a separate inventory space to hold the resources used during the event. I was so glad the developers addressed the inventory space issue. Not bad for gatherers, but for crafters? I had to dedicate so much inventory space for the materials I would use in the crafting portion.
The cosmo missions themselves are generally solo affairs. Think of guild leves except without the requirement to go back to the quest giver to turn in the items.
Emergency missions, on the other hand, are done by everyone in the area, sort of like a FATE. When the gauge at the top is filled the emergency ends. Each step in the emergency mission will provide rewards, with additional rewards assessed at the end.
The next type of mission is called Mech Ops. One lucky player will get to man the mining mech while everyone else plays in support. I say lucky because Cosmic Exploration will have a special currency used to bid on getting to use the mech. Those who lose the mech lottery will not only get their money back but an enhanced chance to win the next lottery.Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Revenant Major Update Patch Notes: Planetary Interaction QoL Changes
I woke up this morning to find when CCP Games labels something as major, they are not joking around. Today's Revenant Major Update for EVE Online features quite a few topics that deserve their own posts. The eight and final post will feature on changes made to planetary interaction.
Compared to the original user interface for planetary interaction, today's user experience is the height of luxury. But the latest changes are finally out of beta and live on Tranquility. Hopefully the work lives up to the description in the news article announcing the update.
Planetary Industry Enhancements
Capsuleers managing planetary colonies will enjoy major quality-of-life improvements. UI enhancements, multi-select for schematics, and the ability to reset extractors make operations smoother than ever. Hotspots will still shift over time, ensuring active management remains key to maximizing output. One of the reasons this is now moving out of beta is thanks to feedback and participation from capsuleers.
The patch notes provided a list of changes. The items with the small handshake icon are suggestions from players incorporated by the developers.
- 🤝 It’s now possible to restart extractors for a planet from the Planetary Industry window.
- To do this, the extractors need to have finished their cycle already, it cannot be done to refresh an ongoing extraction which hasn’t completed yet.
- PI Templates are no longer an opt-in feature preview and have been added as a feature for everyone.
- Several improvements have been made to the filters for PI Templates.
- Improved the search function for PI Templates.
- It’s now possible to rename PI Templates.
- Using a PI Template with a higher command center level than your character has, will now just upgrade it to your max skill level and try to add as much as it can from the template before running out of resources.
- 🤝 We now store the height of the window for each tab, so we are not constantly shrinking the windows when you switch tabs and back to them. This applies only to those tabs that do not have max height.
- 🤝 The sort order of templates is now alphabetical.
- 🤝 It’s now possible to select multiple pins by holding shift and then swap multiple schematics at once.
- The routes tab shows the short names for the pins.
- The text for the transiting routes in the 'Routes' tab is now using a secondary color.
- Added origin/destination to the 'Routes' tab.
Revenant Major Update Patch Notes: Factional Warfare And Pirate Insurgencies
I woke up this morning to find when CCP Games labels something as major, they are not joking around. Today's Revenant Major Update for EVE Online features quite a few topics that deserve their own posts. The seventh in the series will feature on changes made to factional warfare and pirate insurgencies.
As always, the news article provided a quick overview.
Factional Warfare: Seagulling Fix & Anti-Pirate Incentives
A critical fix is coming to Factional Warfare battlefield sites: payouts now require active participation, eliminating passive “seagulling” rewards for those who linger without engaging. This change is being tested on Battlefield sites before expanding to other areas. Additionally, anti-pirates can now claim new rewards, including valuable loot from Forward Operating Bases and roaming NPCs, increasing the stakes in Pirate Insurgencies.
Now, I think the news article may have exaggerated the changes just a tad. The changes, as short as they are in the patch notes, don't look bad.
Factional Warfare & Pirate Insurgencies:
- The Pirate FOB will now drop 1.5 billion ISK in average in loot.
- Regular pirate insurgency roaming NPCs now have a small chance to drop scorched navigation log items which can be turned in at FW LP stores in conjunction with some ISK and LP for a crate containing blueprints for new navy scanning upgrade modules.
- Rebalanced the number of pilots that get paid when completing multiplayer reward complexes. The new Schema is as follows:
- Scouts and Smalls are now NVY-2 / PIR-2
- Mediums are now NVY-3 / PIR-3
- Larges are now NVY-4 / PIR-4
- And Opens remain at paying up to 5 players before splitting the rewards.
- Players will now need to be inside a FW Battlefield site, and within 200km of the entrance beacon to the site for at least 3 minutes to get paid LP.
- Moved structures which were very close to the Amarr FW warp in for the Minmatar Battlefield so they will no longer bump off from it if trying to approach the central capture point.
Revenant Major Update Patch Notes: Mining Sovereignty Upgrades
I woke up this morning to find when CCP Games labels something as major, they are not joking around. Today's Revenant Major Update for EVE Online features quite a few topics that deserve their own posts. The sixth in the series will feature a subject that received a very long dev blog at the end of February: Mining Upgrades for the Equinox sovereignty system.
The news article gave a summary of the changes.
Mining Sovereignty Upgrades
Nullsec mining operations are seeing major boosts. Tier 1 and 2 mining sites now provide more ore from fewer but larger asteroids, reducing travel time and inefficiency. A new Tier 3 mining site, designed for capital-scale operations, offers enormous asteroids rich in resources. Mordunium refinement has been buffed to improve Pyerite availability, while Mercoxit yields increase across nullsec. Additionally, a new ORE deep core strip mining laser enhances efficiency for barges and exhumers, giving industrialists a powerful new tool for mining Mercoxit.
A new set of sovereignty mining upgrades were introduced in today's patch.
- New Tier 3 sovereignty mining upgrades have been added! The tier 3 mining locations are designed with Rorquals and large mining fleets in mind, with smaller numbers of asteroids but all of them are very high in volume. Each site contains just under 4x the total ore overall compared to the tier 2 mining sites.
- Tier 3 sites have a 10 hour respawn timer.
- Power Cost: 1800
- Workforce Cost: 18100
- Blueprints are available for purchase for 1 billion ISK.
- Large Veldspar Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 17,000,000 m3
- Large Mordunium Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 25,000,000 m3
- Large Kylixium Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 13,000,000 m3
- Large Griemeer Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 13,000,000 m3
- Large Nocxite Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 13,000,000 m3
- Large Hezorime Deposit
- Total site ore volume = 23,000,000 m3
- Large Ueganite Deposit:
- Total site ore volume = 16,000,000 m3
The pre-existing Tier 1 and Tier 2 also received buffs in the patch.
- The Power cost of Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades have been reduced by approximately 10% each.
- Tier 2 Power Cost reduced from 1350 to 1220
- Tier 1 Power Cost reduced from 500 to 450
- The Tier 2 nullsec sovereignty hub mining upgrade sites, such as the Grimeer Deposit, have been refactored so that approximately 40% of the asteroids in each site have been removed and their ore contents added to existing asteroids in the site, we have prioritized removing the lower quantity asteroids and tried to make sure there is at least one very large asteroid in each site, we’ve also compacted the asteroid belts to move more asteroids closer together.
- Additionally, after this refactor, the amount of ore in the Tier 2 sites has then also been increased by approximately 10-15%.
- This means that now, the average asteroid size in all of the sites has been significantly increased.
- The Tier 1 mining upgrade sites have also had their ore contents increased by approximately 10%.
- Increased the chance of getting the mining escalation from Tier 2 mining sites by 1.5x
Mining escalations are important and miners in player-owned null sec should be happier with the patch in that regard.
- The new Tier 3 sites have approximately 2.5x chance over the improved Tier 2 mining sites to get the mining escalation.
The devs also worked to address the mercoxit supply issues in the economy.
- We have a created a new ‘Enormous Mercoxit Deposit’ site which has 4x the amount of Mercoxit in it than the Large Mercoxit Deposit, and much larger asteroids.
- Total site ore volume = 960,000 m3
- Tier 3 mining upgrades will give a guaranteed Enormous Mercoxit Deposit into the system with a 12 hour respawn time.
- Tier 2 mining upgrades now will also give a guaranteed Large Mercoxit Deposit into the system rather than it being a chance-based spawn, which has an 8 hour respawn time.
- Tier 3 mining upgrades now also give a chance to spawn the ‘Large Mercoxit Deposit’ in addition to the guaranteed Enormous Mercoxit Deposit site.
- Tier 2 mining upgrades now also give a chance to spawn the ‘Average Mercoxit Deposit’ in addition to the guaranteed Large Mercoxit Deposit site.
The devs have also introduced new mining equipment specifically aimed at mercoxit.
- Added a new faction ORE Deep Core Strip Miner module which has 0% waste as an option for mining Mercoxit with mining barges and exhumers. It can be obtained from ORE corporation LP stores.
- Cost/Materials to Purchase:
- 37,500,000 ISK
- 56,250 LP
- 1x Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II
Null sec will also produce more pyerite though a reprocessing change for a null sec ore.
- Increased the amount of Pyerite that Mordunium gives when reprocessed.
- Mordunium: 80 → 84
- Plum Mordunium: 84 → 88
- Prize Mordunium: 88 → 92
- Plunder Mordinium: 92 → 96
Two other items of interest.
- To help allieviate pressure on R4s and increase the value of Athanors - The magmatic gas fuel cost per hour for a Metenox Moon Drill has been increased from 110 units to 150 units.
- Most Mining sites spawned by upgrades will now persist their respawn time across downtimes (i.e. they won’t always respawn at downtime even if they were mined out at 10:59).
And finally a note from CCP Okami from his mining dev blog.
Notably we are not touching ore density of our newer Nullsec ores at this time. While we are aware of the feedback and understand the complaints with it, it’s a more complex lever to pull that touches both on reworking many of the sites from a content perspective and also puts some risk on stockpiles as well. Will this fix everything all at once? Being totally honest? Probably not. There’s no silver bullet here. And I can’t promise that this is going to be the magic change that gets it all right. However, since there are a large number of changes going out the door all at once, I want to see how these land and what their impact on our simulated universe is. I promise to be looking at data and check in with you guys every 2 weeks on the official EVE Discord. We’ll examine what levers and things we may need to keep adjusting on a monthly basis. Tending to this is an iterative thing and I think we can keep moving towards a healthier equilibrium.
Revenant Major Update Patch Notes: Filament Changes
I woke up this morning to find when CCP Games labels something as major, they are not joking around. Today's Revenant Major Update for EVE Online features quite a few topics that deserve their own posts. The fifth in the series will feature another nerf to fast, long distance travel through the use of filaments.
The news article gave a very brief explanation.
Pochven Filament Changes
Tactical retreats through Pochven just got harder. Filaments now feature a spool-up time, preventing instant extractions. Additionally, their activation leaves a detectable trace on D-Scan and can be probed with combat scanners, allowing pursuit and counterplay. This is the first step in a broader look at Pochven travel mechanics.
The patch notes were equally brief.
Filaments have long been a powerful tool for both fast travel and escaping dangerous situations. The addition of a spool-up timer and scannable traces aims to add risk and enable counterplay.
The patch notes didn't reveal a complex system. Hopefully the desire for needless complexity is behind us all.
- A spool-up timer has been added to all travel filaments (Triglavian Space, Needlejack, and Ice Storm).
- A Filament Trace will appear next to the travel filament’s owner on activation:
- Nearby fleet members without capsuleer log-off timers will become linked to the trace as it appears.
- Characters will unlink from a trace if they cloak, change ship, or go beyond 30km of the trace.
- A link cannot be reestablished once broken.
- If the filament’s owner unlinks from the trace, it immediately closes.
- Traces can be scanned with combat probes or d-scan.
- After the spool-up completes, the filament’s owner can jump all characters which remain linked to it:
- Warp disrupted players will not be jumped.
- Filament owners will be given a confirmation prompt if characters will be left behind.
- Traces will close after 15 minutes have passed since it first appeared.
- Travel filaments can no longer be used on a deadspace grid.
The patch notes did provide a table with the spool-up times for filaments:
Revenant Major Update Patch Notes: Ship Balancing
I woke up this morning to find when CCP Games labels something as major, they are not joking around. Today's Revenant Major Update for EVE Online features quite a few topics that deserve their own posts. The fourth in the series will feature balance changes to specific ships and classes of ships.
According to the news article announcing today's patch, address complaints for nerfs to your favorite ships to the Council of Stellar Management.
Following discussions at the latest CSM summit, several ship balance adjustments have been made. Heavy interdiction cruisers can now fit cynosural field generators, adding new strategic options for fleet commanders. Also, ECM burst jammer restrictions have been tightened to prevent unintended abuse.
In addition to listing the changes, the patch notes also explained why certain ships received the nerfs or buffs in today's patch.
We’re making some adjustments to the Eos to specifically target the amount of damage and tracking that it has with sentry drones, while avoiding nerfing regular drone fits. This makes it more similar to the Ishtar which also has lower bonuses for sentry drones.
- 10% bonus to drone damage and hitpoints per level of Gallente battlecruiser has now been split into 2 separate bonuses.
- 10% bonus to heavy drone, medium drone, and light drone hitpoints and damage.
- 5% bonus to sentry drone damage and hitpoints.
- 7.5% bonus to drone tracking per level of command ships has now been split into 2 separate bonuses.
- 7.5% bonus to heavy drone, medium drone and light drone tracking.
- 5% bonus to sentry drone tracking.
The Orca had a higher align time than the Rorqual, so we are correcting this by giving it a significant buff to agility which should have it now be more comparable to the Rorqual and a reinforced bulkhead fitted Bowhead. We need to be careful not to obsolete Freighters, Deep Space Transports as hauling platforms but we feel like we can make this change now since both of those classes are also receiving warp speed boosts at the same time.
Taking into the account the 25% warp speed buff that it is getting, it should feel significantly more mobile when travelling between systems and mining locations.
- Agility multiplier improved from 2.6x to 2.0x
- Heavy Interdiction Cruisers
- All HICs can now fit the regular Cynosural Field Generator.
- Interdictors
- Reduced the web strength of the Stasis Webification Probes launched by Interdictors from 40% to 20%, to reduce how effective they are against brawlers and sig tanking fleet compositions.
- Burst Jammers (ECM Burst)
- Can now only be fitted to Battleship Hulls, Hauler Hulls and Command Ships.
- A009 C13 Wormholes reduced lifetime from 16h to 4.5h.