
Monday, March 24, 2025

FFXIV's Gearset Command Was Solution 8

Final Fantasy XIV is currently down as Square Enix prepares to launch patch 7.2 on Tuesday. I was dutifully preparing for the patch Saturday night until I noticed something I'd forgotten. I still had 2272 white crafting scrips I needed to exchange for an equal number of purple crafting scrips, and I only had a little more than 72 hours to retrieve them.

Sure, I could have purchased 10 crafting materia XIs and called it a day. But the true end game of FFXIV is glamour so I decided to spend them on crafting glamour gear instead. I saw so many good looking glamour sets on Eorzea Collection for crafters that I figured since I had to spend the scrips anyway, why not to fix my glamour game?

Now, I did face a problem. All 8 crafting jobs use the same gear except for primary and secondary tools. Since the glams I was looking at all had class-specific pieces, I would need to manually apply the glams every time I switched classes unless I could come up with a solution.

My solution was to modify the Snap macro I use to change my jobs. The basis of the macro is the /snap emote which lets your character snap their fingers over their head like Emet-Selch. I played around and came up with this macro:

/macroicon "Armorer" classjob
/wait 1
/gs change 8 4
/wait 1

What exactly does the macro do? Here's a line-by-line breakdown.

Line 1: Each macro can have an icon to identify the macro if placed on one of the action bars. For my combat jobs I use things like Soul of the Whte Mage, Soul of the Dragoon, etc. But the crafting classes don't have fancy items I can use. Instead, the command sets the generic crafting class icon. In the above example the icon is set to the Armorer icon.

Line 2: The command to execute the Snap emote.

Line 3: Set a one second delay before executing any other command. This allows the command to execute cleanly.

Line 4: This is the gearset command. Gearset needs to know what type of action to perform. In my macro I am changing two things, the job/class and the glamour plate used.

The job/class is found by going to character window and clicking on the icon to display your list of jobs/classes. The number on the list is the first number. The second number is more intuitive to find. Just go to the glamour window and enter the plate number. So in the above example, Armorer is the eighth entry on the list and plate four will be active.

Line 5: Set a one second delay before executing any other command. This allows the command to execute cleanly. Without setting the delay the macro didn't work from an action bar.

An experienced macro creator is probably looking at the macro and suggesting ways to make the macro shorter. First, the /macroicon command can be shortened to /micon. Next, the 1 second waits I included can go on the same lines as the slash commands. A cleaned up version of the macro would look something like the below:

/micon "Armorer" classjob
/snap <wait.1>
/gs change 8 4 <wait.1>

I have two arguments in my defense. The first is by making the macro like I did I could more easily explain how the macro works. Understanding usually is better than blind copy/pasting of code. The second is, I got the bloody thing to work and I was in too much of a rush to clean up before logging off for the night. Better to have something in place that works than something pretty you didn't have time to adequately test. Although, to be honest, the cleaned up code above should work.

I did manage to stock up on enough orange and purple scrips and craft enough collectables to fulfill my needs on day 1 of patch 7.2. Perhaps more importantly, with the above script I'll look better playing as well.