
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Digital Dozen: 10 June 2014

The rankings of the top twelve MMORPGs as determined by the players of the Xfire community from play on Sunday, 8 June 2014.  For more details about the methodology, click here.  Historical data can be found here.

Rank Prev Week Game ScoreHours Played +/- %
11World of Warcraft 31.4 5,985-13.8
33Guild Wars 211.82,244-14.6
44Star Wars: The Old Republic7.91,507-7.0
59EVE Online5.61,064+56.2
T67Final Fantasy XIV4.8917+11.2
96Elder Scrolls Online3.6684-17.8
11--Lord of the Rings Online2.4462+48.6
12--Maple Story2.1391+47.0
Total Digital Dozen Hours: 19,031

After a Wildstar-fueled resurgence last week, the Xfire community's interest in MMORPGs waned again on Sunday.  The 7.6% decline in the number of hours Xfire members played their favorite games was led by World of Warcraft (-961 hours) and Wildstar (-551 hours), while EVE Online (+383 hours) was notable for its fans increase in playtime Sunday.  RIFT and Neverwinter fell off the list this week, replaced by Lord of the Rings Online and Maple Story.

Is There A Problem, Cupcake? - Last week I pointed to the seven games with the most successful starts on The Digital Dozen and pointed out that only one, Neverwinter, had a decline in its Digital Dozen score the week after it launched.  Now add Wildstar to the list.  While remaining #2 on the list, the Carbine game saw its score fall from 20.3 to 19.1.  Is this a sign of trouble?  Or just the result of launching the early access period on a Saturday?  Time will tell.

Head-to Head - CCP decided to launch its Kronos release for EVE Online on the same day as the official launch of Wildstar.  The result?  Xfire players returned to New Eden, with the number of hours spent in space increasing by 56.2% Sunday.  Will a speeded up release schedule of six weeks instead of six months keep Xfire members logging in?

Double-checking The Numbers - The success of the Wildstar launch highlights the continued struggles of Elder Scrolls Online.  Last week marked the end of the first billing cycle for those who participated in early access and the number of hours spent by Xfire members playing the Zenimax game took another tumble.  I double-checked the Xfire numbers with the numbers on Raptr to see if people really were spending 5.3 times more hours playing Wildstar than ESO.  According to Raptr last night, Raptr members spent 571,257 hours playing Wildstar over the past 7 days as compared to 100,445 hours playing ESO (5.7 times more hours).  So the difference is actually greater on Raptr than on Xfire.