April continued a horrible sales year so far for Cloud Imperial Games. After suffering a 17.2% year-over-year sales decline in the first quarter of 2024, the CCU Game dashboard showed April sales at only $5.2 million. The 24.7% drop in revenue compared to April 2023 pushed the year-over-year decline down to 19.1% for the first four months of 2024. For the year, CIG's revenue from the cash shop recorded on the Roberts Space Industries funding page is $22.5 million.
Does the number of new users on the Roberts Space Industries website have any relationship to sales figures? April demonstrated the answer is no. Last month's increase of 25,000 users was a 73.6% decrease from the 94,703 new users recorded in April 2023. Either new players spend a lot more money than in 2023 or CIG mostly gets its revenues from veteran players.
Overall, the recorded sales tracked on the CCU Game dashboard is $679.9 million since the launch of the Kickstarter in October 2012. But Cloud Imperium has additional funding sources not tracked by the dashboard. Overall, the company has recorded $778.5 million in confirmed revenue (the funding page & the 2022 financial report) .
- Sales/Pledges: $679.9 million (through 30 April 2024)
- Subscriptions: $33.0 million (through 31 December 2022)
- All other sources: $65.6 million (through 31 December 2022)
In addition, the company has received a total of $63.25 million in outside investment. According to the 2022 financial report, $4.8 million of the amount was returned to investors in 2020. Including the outside investment money, the total amount raised by CIG to create Squadron 42 and Star Citizen is $837.0 million.
May will prove a key financial month for Cloud Imperium Games. The Invictus Launch Week, otherwise known as Fleet Week, is traditionally held in the final week of May. The event usually generates the second most revenue, after the Interstellar Aerospace Expo in November.
While an announcement for pre-orders for Squadron 42 is expected in October at Citizen Con, a poor showing this month may force CIG to begin taking pre-orders in 2024. The company is facing the prospect of the Calders exercising a put option for their 1,599,900 shares of Cloud Imperium stock in the first quarter of 2025. Ideally the company does well enough in 2024 to convince the father and son duo to hold off on exercising the option until 2028.