The launch of Final Fantasy XIV's current expansion was five weeks ago. As is my custom, I'm now behind the current content as patch 7.05 dropped last Tuesday. Of course, I don't participate in doing savage content. I have enough trouble doing the normal content and have no desire to do the harder trials and raids. But that doesn't mean I have no content to do.
My longest login queue - On Saturday I experienced my longest login queue as someone decided they didn't like Final Fantasy XIV. A DDoS attack hit the North American servers. Besides the one time everyone was kicked from the game, I did lose three or four crafts due to lag throughout the day.
No winning with difficulty - I am still at the gates of the final trail in the MSQ as I concentrated on getting to the new content in patch 7.05. But an interesting debate occurred on the official forums. Is Dawntrail too hard? A threadnaught, to use an EVE term, developed on the subject as several content creators decided to pile on and broadcast someone's complaints on the subject.
Personally, I found a couple of the duties extremely difficult. But I'm probably not the audience for difficult content. I just want to run through the MSQ and then do my crafting and gathering. Still, I needed to do the combat content in order to do the crafting and gathering. After talking to my real life neighbor who's also heavily into crafting, I don't need to finish the final trial to do what I want currently. I will, however, need to finish the MSQ before patch 7.1 drops in a couple of months.
Since I have time, I plan on leveling three Trust characters, Thancred (tank), Estinian (melee DPS) and Y'shtola (magical ranged DPS) from level 90 to level 100 and rerun the dungeons. I figure the levelling process will help me get more comfortable with the keyboard as I spent months not doing real dungeons at the end of Endwalker. My goal isn't to be the best player in the final trial. I just want to be in the middle of the pack and not embarrass myself.
I did notice something as I left a couple of comments in YouTube comment sections. A lot of people consider using Duty Support to progress through a duty or trail the hard way to do the content. Instead they suggest doing the content with others so when you die you don't necessarily need to start the boss fight over. In other words, letting other players carry you as you lie on the floor.
I can remember back, oh two months ago, when the internet mob said doing so was a disgrace and Square Enix needed to do something about the practice. Now I'm told the practice is "getting gud." Sometimes you just can't win.
The journey for new crafting books - Patch 7.05 introduced new crafting recipes along with the savage content. The raiders need crafters to make the weapons and gear in the Master XI crafting books, which require 1200 purple scrips, or 9600 scrips total. I currently have 4000 scrips from the Wachumeqimeqi Deliveries and get get another 4000 over the next two days from interacting with Ameliance and Anden since the week begins on Tuesdays. After that, I just need to do one more Wachumeqimeqi quest and I should have all my books.
Crafting progress - Getting the books won't do a lot of good if I don't get my crafting up to level 100. On that front I'm doing pretty good. I managed to level 2 more classes, Armorer and Blacksmith, to the level cap. I've been doing primarily leves to level my crafting and most of the items require parts made by several classes. For example, I don't need to do anymore leves for Leatherworking because I'm only 3 crafts away from reaching level 100. With the free company crafting XP buff operating tonight, I might finish off two of the five remaining classes tonight.
Overall I gained 41 crafting levels last week and only need 12 more to go to reach the levelling goal for Dawntrail. Currently I'm at:
- Armorer: 100
- Blacksmith: 100
- Culinarian: 100
- Leatherworker: 99
- Weaver: 98
- Alchemist: 97
- Carpenter: 97
- Goldsmith: 97
I should add something about the leve allowance. The developers put a limit of 100 leves a player can perform, with the player receiving 6 leves per day. During the last week I went from 92 leves down to 32 when I logged out last night. So the limit may discourage players who can sit and grind leves for hours at a time. For me, the limit really didn't affect me much. What did affect me is I used up almost all of my rested XP. Hopefully I have enough to finish over the next few days.
FATE Gathering - Starting back in Shadowbringers performing FATEs became something more than just a way to level a character. I wound up participating in FATEs to get crafting ingredients for levelling up. I had a friend who had so many gems from running FATEs that she gave me a stack of skins I needed to level my leatherworking. Remember, players can make some nice gil right now by selling the items from the gemstone vendor on the market. In addition to levelling, crafters will need some of those items to craft gear for all those players who want to run savage content.
Lighter travel restrictions - With Patch 7.05 came a changing of travel restrictions.
As of today [30 July], the previously announced travel restrictions will be lifted from the World Visit System and Data Center Travel; however, Patch 7.05 will introduce new regulations based on World classifications to promote the even distribution of players across our Worlds.
Standard Worlds with no Congested Worlds within the same Logical Data Center
- World Visit Login Capacity: Standard
- Data Center Travel Login Capacity: Standard
Standard Worlds with one or more Congested Worlds within the same Logical Data Center
- World Visit Login Capacity: Standard
- Data Center Travel Login Capacity: Greatly Reduced
New and Preferred Worlds
- World Visit Login Capacity: Standard
- Data Center Travel Login Capacity: Increased
Congested Worlds
- World Visit Login Capacity: Reduced
- Data Center Travel Login Capacity: Greatly Reduced
My world is still rather busy. When I logged off last night I was in instance 2 of Tuliyollal. I have the feeling we still have another month or so of instances in order to facilitate gameplay.