
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

EVE Online's SKINR Login Event Extended One Week

Looking at today's patch notes for EVE Online I only saw two items, one defect fix and one change. Both concerned the business critical SKINR system which allows players to customize the looks of their internet spaceships.

Not diving into the system at launch, I'm not sure exactly how much of a pain the defect was to SKINR users.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a Pattern in the SKINR design creator did not automatically apply the default color.
The change, while labeled as miscellaneous, concerns a promotion for the SKINR system.
  • In preparation for another SKINR update, we are extending the Daily Login Rewards to Tuesday August 27th.
The extension of the login rewards for the event by seven days tells us a couple of things about the SKINR system. The first is that next Tuesday the developers will push out a new update to the system. In last week's news article CCP gave a hint as to the content of next week's expected patch.

Another update is coming very soon that introduces the ability to share your saved SKIN masterpieces through chat, whether you want to create an awesome design to fly with your friends, get specialized SKINdustrialists to sequence your creations, or just contribute to a vibrant SKIN ecosystem. 
The second thing the patch notes indicate is that user engagement with the login event was probably below expectations. With the lack of a grace day for not logging in every day, the final day's reward, 50,000 skill points for Alpha accounts and 350,000 skill points for Omega accounts was out of reach. Why bother to log in then? The five day extension allows players to hopefully obtain the day 7 rewards.

I also wonder how the login rewards will affect the Active ISK Delta. July witnessed the largest drain on New Eden's money supply since the introduction of the Alpha/Omega clone business model in late 2016. Is the prospect of receiving 350,000 skill points for logging into the character screen seven days enough to stabilize the active daily user and monthly active user numbers? We won't know that answer until the release of the August monthly economic report in a few weeks. And then if the effort turns into a real world financial success on Pearl Abyss' Q3 2024 earnings call in November. For now we can only watch and wait.

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