Looking at the numbers one can make the argument for both reasons for increased average concurrent users being valid. In high sec, the number of NPC kills increased by 15.1% in October compared to September. Even year-over-year making NPCs explode in high sec increased by 4.0%. But in null sec, major null sec movements seemed to dominate. The Crimson Harvest is a PvE event but NPC deaths in null security space decreased 1.8% from September. Overall, the end of the Scarcity Era continued with an increase of 24% of NPC explosions compared to October 2023.
Since the release of the Uprising expansion in November 2022 I have looked at low sec as a measure of the health of the game. After three months low sec once again witnessed over 200,000 player-owned ships dying in the security band. Also, I don't think Crimson Harvest had a big impact on low sec, with the number of NPCs dying in low sec slightly decreasing compared to September. Still, the number of NPC kills rose by 18% year-over-year.