EVE Online's Revenant expansion, set to launch on 12 November 2024, is the game's fifth full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive and dense. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. The format of the official patch notes for Revenant is a little unusual as I don't see as many bullet points as in previous expansions. Still, I'll try to add something to the patch notes.
This sixth post in the Revenant patch note series concerns improvements to the Corporation Projects system. In an expansion with a lot of content for null sec powers, building upon the Corporation Projects system helps out smaller groups who play in other security bands. I find the system useful just to keep track of what I want to do in the game between long periods of inactivity.
In the announcement news article for Revenant, CCP gave a short description of what the developers intended to deliver on Tuesday.
The Revenant expansion brings powerful new ways to strengthen and streamline corporation efforts, giving capsuleers even greater opportunities to contribute. Organization leaders of New Eden will gain more control and flexibility over their Corporation Projects, enabling them to tailor goals and tasks for maximum efficiency while also enhancing the experience for current or potential members.
Expanded project parameters add flexibility, allowing creators to set comprehensive, complex, and diverse goals. This enables leaders to create one project with multiple contribution options – such as mining in multiple locations or targeting various ship types and ship groups. Select project types will support expanded parameters on launch day, and more will be added later.
The patch notes went into greater detail on the expanded project parameters.
Expanded Project Parameter
- With the launch of Revenant, project creators can now author the Mine Materials, Damage Capsuleers, Destroy Capsuleer’s Ship and Earn Loyality Points Contribution Methods with Expanded Project Parameters functionality.
- Expanded Project Parameters functionality enables:
- Multi-value parameters: Project creators can select up to ten values per supported parameter.
- Locations (Mine Materials, Damage Capsuleers, Destroy Capsuleer’s Ship)
- Ship Types or Groups (Damage Capsuleers, Destroy Capsuleer’s Ship)
- Material Types or Groups (Mine Materials)
- Capsuleers or Organizations (Damage Capsuleers, Destroy Capsuleer’s Ship)
- Organizations (Earn Loyalty Points)
- Mixed-hierarchy parameters: Project creators can now also select parameter groups that span different hierarchies. Up to ten values supported.
- Locations parameter: Solar Systems, Constellations, and Regions.
- Ship Types or Groups parameter : Ship Types (e.g. Rifter, Raven) and Ship Groups (e.g. Frigates, Battleships, Logistic Cruisers)
- Material Types or Groups: Asteroid Types (e.g. Veldspar, Dense Veldspar, Kernite, Fiery Kernite, Clear Icicle) and Asteroid Groups (e.g. Veldspar, Kernite, Ice)
Revenant's announcement article also addressed a couple of features that corporation leadership can add to existing project types.
Project Deadline
- Project creators can now set deadlines for their projects. This improves communication of the project timeline to the corporation members and encourage timely participation.
Project Participation Limit
- Project creators can now set limits on contributions per contributor, preventing any single player from completing the majority of a project alone allowing everyone a chance to contribute.
One fact I found not in the patch notes was an upcoming addition to the system. That's right, giving smaller groups a way to implement ship replacement programs without a prohibitive amount of administrative overhead.
The new Ship Insurance project type will offer a streamlined way to automate ship replacement programs, providing a seamless and guaranteed compensation system based on the loss value. This project type will be added in an update shortly following the expansion launch and will support expanded project parameters.