EVE Online's Revenant expansion, set to launch on 12 November 2024, is the game's fifth full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive and dense. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. The format of the official patch notes for Revenant is a little unusual as I don't see as many bullet points as in previous expansions. Still, I'll try to add something to the patch notes.
The first feature is mercenary dens. I have to admit, I'm a bit confused on how their intended usage. From a previous dev blog, CCP described mercenary dens as an offensive-type object.
Get ready for risk and riches, with new mercenary dens – small but volatile outposts anchored to orbital skyhooks around temperate planets. Use these dens to turn workforce into encrypted infomorphs, highly prized by the Deathless, and open the doors to smaller, fast-paced skirmishes.
They’re not just treasure troves though, but powder kegs waiting to explode into fierce battles for control. Anyone can sneak in and set one up, turning nullsec into a playground of covert ops and daring raids. Manage the delicate balance of development and anarchy, and you could reap incredible rewards – or watch your enemies profit from your downfall.
But from the patch notes, I got the impression mercenary dens were put up by the system owner to enhance their resource production. Anchorable to orbital skyhooks around temperate, these objects require a new skill to use. However, I'm not sure exactly how many of the mercenary dens are allowed around orbital skyhooks, one per skyhook or one per character? I believe the former is the case.
The mechanics are spelled out more clearly.
Once a mercenary den has been successfully placed, it will passively generate encrypted infomorphs every hour. These items can either be sold on the market to other players or taken to Zarzakh to exchange for rewards with the deathless item traders. Those include the new deathless ships, breacher pod launchers, breacher pods, skillbooks and exclusive SKINR components.
Mercenary dens can only be accessed by the character which owns them; however, they are vulnerable to attack. Mercenary dens have a single 24h reinforcement timer with a 6-hour jitter which the owner has no control over. While reinforced, mercenary dens will continue to produce infomorphs, but they won’t be able to be removed from the mercenary den until it leaves reinforced mode and has been repaired above 50% shields. Note that it automatically regenerates shields over a long time if no one comes to finish it off, but it can also be manually repaired to full. If a mercenary den is destroyed, it has a 50% chance to drop the encrypted infomorphs inside.
As CCP has done throughout the deployment of the Equinox sov system, some of the features of mercenary dens will not see Tranquility for two weeks after Revenant's launch. The following points are what makes me believe mercenary dens are not intended for raiders to employ.
Additional Features coming after Revenant - Planned for 26 November
Mercenary Tactical Operations (MTOs)
- Mercenary dens will occasionally give their owners the opportunity to run MTOs, which are similar to existing PVE content such as missions/escalations. MTOs are aimed for a solo player in a cruiser and successfully completing them will give rewards and also increase the development and decrease the anarchy levels of the associated mercenary den.
- Shortly after Revenant, mercenary dens will have 2 parameters, Development and Anarchy.
- Development is generated over time, and when successfully completing mercenary den tactical operations. Higher Development levels will cause the mercenary den to increase production yield of infomorphs over time.
- Anarchy is also generated over time and decreased when successfully completing mercenary den tactical operations. Higher Anarchy levels will cause the Skyhook it’s placed on to siphon workforce production, preventing the workforce from being used by the sov owner.
If anything, Mercenary Tactical Operations I think is aimed at newer players living in null sec. Not only should newer players find the content inviting in cruiser-sized hulls, but they can help in resource generation for their alliance as well. At least, that's my perspective as someone who lives outside of player-owned space. Null sec residents can let me know if I'm wrong.