
Monday, August 26, 2013

The CSM Summit And The Security Briefing

Members of the Council of Stellar Management are meeting in Iceland with CCP for three days beginning on Wednesday.  Unlike the winter summit last December the CSM will receive a security briefing, tucked in between a review of the stakeholder process and lunch.  Will anything juicy come out of the meeting?  I hope not.

Don't get me wrong.  I'd love to hear how Team Security is pulling off this latest crackdown that lead to rising prices on the ISK selling sites.  But since I hope this lasts long enough to no longer warrant the term crackdown, I really don't want sources and methods (especially methods) disclosed in the meeting.  I don't care that everyone signed an NDA.  Look how much good that did for the NSA with Edward Snowden.

So what do I want to read about when the summit minutes come out?  Here's a quick list...

Account security - How are the two-factor authentication methods coming along?  I know that CCP needs to get single sign on implemented first, but is that done yet?

Assets and bans - The closest that CCP can publicly get to posting tears is talking about the number of accounts banned and the amount of assets seized.  I'd love to read not only about the number of people banned but the amount of assets seized in each region.  It's probably premature to post figures about Team Security's current activities.  Okay, the real reason is I don't want them to stop what they're doing to give me stats.  At this point they probably need more coffee.  They can gather the stats once they slow down.

Customer service - Customer service?  With GM Grimmi on the team, I got the impression that CCP was working on resolving petitions involving bans quicker.  How's that doing?

The DDoS attack - CCP may have given all of the information out already, but I wonder what system the hackers were trying to access this time.

Phishing schemes - At Fanfest 2011 Darius JOHNSON in his role as CCP Sreegs talked about improving systems to fight phishing schemes.  I know I've never received one for EVE.  I'm just wondering if this is a big problem anymore.