
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I didn't notice anything wrong until I visited yesterday. For those unfamiliar with the website, Total Eve is an aggregator of a lot of news sources, podcasts, Reddit and dev posts. One of those news sources is Eve News 24. Imagine my surprise when I clicked the first link and found myself on Markee Dragon's website. I then decided to look on the blog and, sure enough, the top article in my EN24 RSS feed leads straight to Markee Dragon's website.

I don't oppose PLEX resellers like Markee Dragon having player affiliates to drive sales. But when the player affiliates start placing the link into their RSS feed, I get a little upset. I don't have ads on my blog for myself. Why would I let EN24 use my blog to make money?

I had the EN24 RSS feed on The Nosy Gamer for years because I wanted an EVE-specific news feed on the blog. Perhaps I will again. But as long as EN24 runs advertising in its RSS feed, no EN24 news feed here.

UPDATE: Since riverini fixed the RSS issue, I have reinstalled EN24's feed back on the right side of the blog.