
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I didn't notice anything wrong until I visited yesterday. For those unfamiliar with the website, Total Eve is an aggregator of a lot of news sources, podcasts, Reddit and dev posts. One of those news sources is Eve News 24. Imagine my surprise when I clicked the first link and found myself on Markee Dragon's website. I then decided to look on the blog and, sure enough, the top article in my EN24 RSS feed leads straight to Markee Dragon's website.

I don't oppose PLEX resellers like Markee Dragon having player affiliates to drive sales. But when the player affiliates start placing the link into their RSS feed, I get a little upset. I don't have ads on my blog for myself. Why would I let EN24 use my blog to make money?

I had the EN24 RSS feed on The Nosy Gamer for years because I wanted an EVE-specific news feed on the blog. Perhaps I will again. But as long as EN24 runs advertising in its RSS feed, no EN24 news feed here.

UPDATE: Since riverini fixed the RSS issue, I have reinstalled EN24's feed back on the right side of the blog.


  1. #EN24 ul li:first-child {display:none}

    would be a solution of the advert being shown on TotalEve, but it does'nt have any impact on othe mentality of EN24 :/

  2. I use feedly to keep track of my sites and had noticed the same in the past few months. Straight up links to Markee, forum posts and vote bobmon for CSM links.

  3. Hey Noisy, Riverini here. Bobmon has been promoting some Markee Dragon discounts on EN24, This was an unintended and unforeseen result of the miniposts on EN24.

    To be honest I must apologise to all the sites which received RSS feeds from us.

    Be my words a testament that we missed the fact that said RSS feeds were going to appear on media outside EN24. Said links appearing on your site or other sites without the owners is a good reason to be mad, once again we didn't took into account the fact that the promo post were going to syndicated and I have since deleted said post.

    Sorry for the inconvenience

    EN24 Creative Director

    p.s.: Next time shoot me an email (your got me on gchat remember?) and I'll deal with fuck ups like this at once.

  4. The problem with code like that is that sometimes it was not the top post it was second and other posts, I'm glad to see its been removed so I don't have to edit my code etc

  5. You guys did this when Bobmon was running for csm, which was underhanded. I have no problem if you guys want to put links to your referral link on your site, but as a RSS is and can be shown on anysite or reader etc, it seems to reason that you would think about how your content is perceived in the greater 'eve media' circles. Plus remember the eve community never forgets stuff so keep that in mind

  6. To be honest Wiggles it is until now that I personally become aware of the magnitude of this foresight, in the past we stopped sharing Warp To Zero threads in en24 because our feeder also syndicated to twitter but we never considered the obvious fact that most blog rolls relied on RSS.
