Back in March The Mittani was embroiled in controversy due to his drunken remarks following the Alliance Panel at Fanfest 2012. As the mainstream gaming media spun out of control getting their facts wrong, The Mittani and his supporters grew irate with Massively columnist Brendan Drain, who called The Mittani's actions "cyber-bullying". Drain and The Mittani met on Eve Radio's The Funky Bacon Show where Drain apologized and removed references to the term from his stories. Massively's Editor-In-Chief Shawn Schuester acknowledged that the use of the term
. Following such a firestorm I expected that any web site associated with The Mittani would take care about carelessly tarring people with inaccurate labels.
Fast forward to this Monday. Following a couple of days after Corelin began his
." In the original version of the story Hoots writes about listening to an Eve podcast that used language that left the author shocked at the casual sexism so callously displayed and accepted. Here is the original ending to the article:
After re-reading this story a few times I don't think that Hoots is trying to blanket the entire Eve podcast community as sexist, but I honestly am not sure. The title of the article definitely gives that impression even though Hoots states in the article to having never listened to an entire podcast devoted to Eve. Eve Radio's DJ Funky Bacon had no doubts and started raising Cain about an article that tarred all Eve podcasters as sexist without getting into specifics or even naming the offending podcast. DJ Funky Bacon posted this in the comments that seemed to sum up his argument:
not saying it doesn't happen. I'm not saying it should happen. I'm
saying that to write an article (or a blog post) on 'Eve Podcasts' after
listening to a part of 1 podcast (that he switched off the moment it
harmed his senses), and not even being able to cite the source is utter
"Want to make a post on sexism in the eve podcasting community? Do
some actual research. Show me more than 1 example... a pattern if you
will. It's like saying 'This one time A pirate ransomed me and then
killed me anyway, so pirates must not honor ransoms!' I just have no
patience for generalization born of laziness."
In response on Tuesday Hoots responded:
"After this article was published, I went back and found the
podcast in question. I have decided to name the actual podcast, as I
feel the words were unacceptable and made in a public forum. Ultimately
the EVE community may judge them for themselves."
He went on to list
Notalotofnews Newshour 103, a podcast that stopped being Eve-centric in June, as the offending podcast. I've taken the liberty of transcribing the offending segment. It runs from 20:29 to 21:30 of the podcast.
Jason: "But there is another complete leg of the game, a political leg. Didn't you always wonder if they would have some political science people being able to play Eve and try to write an essay on that?"
FrFrmPukin: "They have. There was people trying to study the markets in the game, the economy..."
Jason: "You've heard markets all the time but I was talking about not markets as much as political science."
FrFrmPukin: "Coming through the Multiplex Gaming Network there's been plenty of guys who have gone through college and have written papers on Eve. The game play; the communities that are in there. In fact I know there's this one chick that was in our corp years ago that I swear to God it was nothing but a big social experiment for her. You know, which came to the 'no boobies' clause, 'no single boobies' clause for MPX. There are no single chicks in MPX because of her."
Jason: (chuckles)
FrFrmPukin: "Seriously."
To begin, to a new player the fact that a corporation might put up a "No Girls Allowed" sign might appear sexist. At least until one has played a few months and realize that the rule is put up for the protection of a corporation because a lot of guys just are not mature enough to interact with a real live female in an internet spaceship game. Don't believe me? For an example listen to
Voices from the Void #62 and Arydanika's interview with the spy master T3mp3s7 to find out just how easy a time a female pilot has causing mischief in Eve.
Also, I was a bit surprised at the word that Hoots seemed to find so shocking. I figured if the word began with the letter "b" it would be a different word. And the word that began with the letter "c" would be a lot stronger than "chicks". I also expected words beginning with "s" or "w". But "boobies"? I personally wouldn't use the word but I've heard a lot worse.
Stepping out into the wider world of Eve podcasting any insinuation that the podcast community is filled with misogynistic neanderthals just doesn't ring true. Kirith Kodachi on
Broadcasts from the Ninveah? Alekseyev Karrde on
Declarations of War? Jade on
Lost in Eve? I really have a problem thinking of someone who fits the description. Heck, one of the hosts on
Fly Reckless is an ordained minister if I recall correctly.
Of course I haven't mentioned the keeper of the
Eve Pod Pack and the matching Skype channel, Arydanika. She isn't really known for putting up with too much stupidity without throwing out some barbs of her own.
Dani Can Use Photoshop Too |
When the gaming media came after The Mittani over PanelGate, Arydanika went after the MGM for
their hypocrisy in not covering the week-long sexual harassment of a female gamer on a televised
Street Fighter X Tekken tournament called Cross Assault. When the time came to list out the
Eve community's pajamahadeen who were not afraid to duke it out with the MGM, Dani was one of the first people to come to mind.
Now I am not about to try to tell everyone that Eve Online is filled with virtuous people and that all is sweetness and light because it's not. One of the benefits in my solo low-sec play style is that I don't have to put up with all of the idiots spouting offensive stuff. But with all the examples available, why would someone try to pick on the Eve podcast community?