
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Shooting Star Of The Mittani Dot Com

The end of the year for a blogger, at least in my experience, leads to a lot of introspection over the year past, prognostication for the year ahead and site clean-up.  Site clean-up?  Hey, a blogger needs to synergize his site with his subject, right?

Okay, now that I have met my contractually obligated buzzword quota with Blogspot for 2012 let's get on to an important subject,  The new site emerged from the Eve null sec community in the wake of the media circus surrounding the fiasco surrounding The Mittani's drunken behavior at the Alliance Panel at Fanfest 2012.  I wrote back in March about the miserable coverage provided by the mainstream gaming media (MGM) and whether the Eve blogosphere was about to see the emergence of its own pajamahadeen.  While the conflict between the MGM and the Eve blogosphere has subsided (indeed, PC Gamer even embedded reporters with the CFC during the war in the south this summer), The Mittani continued down the path of the pajamahadeen with the launch of The Mittani Dot Com.  Just like his counterparts in the political blogosphere who created Pajamas Media (now PJMedia), The Mittani and his merry band of writers, editors and system administrators are competing with mainstream journalists attempting they can produce better quality articles than the more highly regarded trained professionals.

While I applaud the effort I now have to remove The Mittani Dot Com from my feeds as the site has shot past my interests.  When first launched, the site was a direct competitor with Eve News 24 and as such brought a lot of Eve news to light.  I still visit every day, but with the move to add coverage of games like League of Legends, StarCraft 2 and World of Tanks the site is no longer MMORPG-specific.  The Nosy Gamer is, when all is said and done, a blog about MMORPGs and related issues.  So in my end of year cleaning the feed had to go.  Hopefully some day will do what Massively did and have a feed set up specifically for Eve Online but until then I'll just have to remember to visit every so often.