
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Digital Dozen: 11 December 2012

The rankings of the top twelve MMORPGs as determined by the players of the Xfire community from play on Sunday, 9 December 2012.  For more details about the methodology, click here.  Historical data can be found here.

Rank Prev Week Game ScoreHours Played +/- %
11World of Warcraft 38.7 28,770-14.4
22Guild Wars 218.213,540-11.5
33Star Wars: The Old Republic10.98,070-15.7
44Planetside 27.65,684-6.6
56Eve Online5.13,815+25.8
79The War Z (Alpha)3.42,494+25.9
87Lord of the Rings Online2.82,116-13.2
911Maple Story2.41,802+57.2
108Metin 22.31,716-15.9
1110APB: Reloaded2.31,700+8.7
12--Star Trek Online1.91,375+29.2
Total MMORPG hours played Sunday: 94,950
In a week that saw wild swings in game popularity the Xfire community spent 8.2% fewer hours playing MMORPGs than the previous Sunday.  The games experiencing the largest gains percentage-wise were Maple Story (57.2%), Star Trek Online (29.2%) and The War Z (25.9%).  The games experiencing the largest declines were Need For Speed World (-21.4%), Metin 2 (-15.9%) and Star Wars: The Old Republic (-15.7%).

Software Upgrade - Often we see players rush into a game because of an expansion or an in-game event.  Maple Story went one better as the game launched a Windows 8 compatible version on 5 December.  The version is compatible with both the 32 and 64 bit versions.

Culture In Space - Eve Online's 25.8% gain in play last week was not just due to the Retribution expansion that launched on 4 December.  The Museum of Modern Art of New York has chosen Eve Online as one of 14 titles to display in a video game exhibit.  As part of that effort CCP put out a call for players to record video of interesting game play on Sunday.  Eve players responded with PCU on Sunday exceeding 54,000 players.  Expect lower numbers next weekend.