
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Digital Dozen: 11 December 2012

The rankings of the top twelve MMORPGs as determined by the players of the Xfire community from play on Sunday, 9 December 2012.  For more details about the methodology, click here.  Historical data can be found here.

Rank Prev Week Game ScoreHours Played +/- %
11World of Warcraft 38.7 28,770-14.4
22Guild Wars 218.213,540-11.5
33Star Wars: The Old Republic10.98,070-15.7
44Planetside 27.65,684-6.6
56Eve Online5.13,815+25.8
79The War Z (Alpha)3.42,494+25.9
87Lord of the Rings Online2.82,116-13.2
911Maple Story2.41,802+57.2
108Metin 22.31,716-15.9
1110APB: Reloaded2.31,700+8.7
12--Star Trek Online1.91,375+29.2
Total MMORPG hours played Sunday: 94,950
In a week that saw wild swings in game popularity the Xfire community spent 8.2% fewer hours playing MMORPGs than the previous Sunday.  The games experiencing the largest gains percentage-wise were Maple Story (57.2%), Star Trek Online (29.2%) and The War Z (25.9%).  The games experiencing the largest declines were Need For Speed World (-21.4%), Metin 2 (-15.9%) and Star Wars: The Old Republic (-15.7%).

Software Upgrade - Often we see players rush into a game because of an expansion or an in-game event.  Maple Story went one better as the game launched a Windows 8 compatible version on 5 December.  The version is compatible with both the 32 and 64 bit versions.

Culture In Space - Eve Online's 25.8% gain in play last week was not just due to the Retribution expansion that launched on 4 December.  The Museum of Modern Art of New York has chosen Eve Online as one of 14 titles to display in a video game exhibit.  As part of that effort CCP put out a call for players to record video of interesting game play on Sunday.  Eve players responded with PCU on Sunday exceeding 54,000 players.  Expect lower numbers next weekend.


  1. Errr...

    you think that CCP's call for dedicated video makers made any sort of impact on the numbers?

    There are not that many people who'll go for it to make that much of a dent.

    The bump to 54000 surely was caused by Retribution.

    1. We'll see, but never underestimate the desire of an Eve player to make himself famous or make their mark on the world.
