Last Friday I learned what I'll spend a lot of time doing in Final Fantasy XIV over the next 12-18 months: Cosmic Explorations. Sounding a lot like Shadowbringers' Ishgard Restoration, Cosmic Explorations not only will provide group content for crafters and gatherers but their enhanced tools for Dawntrail as well.
Content for gatherers and crafters level 10 and up who have completed the MSQ quest Dawntrail, players begin building a base on the moon with the release of patch 7.21 on 22 April, meaning I have a very short time to try out the content before jetting off to Iceland for EVE's Fanfest. But with patch 7.3 scheduled to come out sometime in July I should have time to catch up to most people.
One major improvement over Ishgard Restoration is a separate inventory space to hold the resources used during the event. I was so glad the developers addressed the inventory space issue. Not bad for gatherers, but for crafters? I had to dedicate so much inventory space for the materials I would use in the crafting portion.
The cosmo missions themselves are generally solo affairs. Think of guild leves except without the requirement to go back to the quest giver to turn in the items.
Emergency missions, on the other hand, are done by everyone in the area, sort of like a FATE. When the gauge at the top is filled the emergency ends. Each step in the emergency mission will provide rewards, with additional rewards assessed at the end.
The next type of mission is called Mech Ops. One lucky player will get to man the mining mech while everyone else plays in support. I say lucky because Cosmic Exploration will have a special currency used to bid on getting to use the mech. Those who lose the mech lottery will not only get their money back but an enhanced chance to win the next lottery.
The final type of mission are Critical Missions. I'm not sure if all emergency missions are critical missions, but I know that Critical Missions are brought about by the weather. I'm pretty sure we are not witnessing a return of The Final Days as we took care of that particular threat in Endwalker. But Critical Missions are another type of mission done with others.
Of course, what's an event without a little competition? Every two days players compete for the title of Star Contributor. Winning the title also grants a buff for 14 days along with some sort of marking while exploring. How many people want a hologram of their character in the main base camp?
One problem I foresee for the developers is that crafters and gatherers can begin working on their enhanced tools starting in patch 7.21 while those wanting relic weapons can't begin their grind until patch 7.25 a month later. But the combat players did it to themselves by insisting on having a Bojza-type area. Oh well, I'll need to work on upgrading 11 total tools so I won't have much time to waste listening to the complaints.
One last thing. I probably won't shut down my Island Sanctuary over this, but Cosmic Explorations have at least one new dye color. The color is Metallic Cobalt Green. I look for new dyes and where one shows up can I hope for more? I really would like a nice metallic purpose I can earn from playing the game and not just from visiting the cash shop.
During Shadowbringers I didn't reach the end of the MSQ until patch 5.4 so missed out on the first half of Ishgard Restoration. During Endwalker I became distracted decorating my new cottage and had to hurry to catch up to obtaining the expansion's tools. This expansion hopefully I can play with the crafting and gathering content when not progressing the main story questline and stay involved that way.