SAN FRANCISCO [AFP] — Sony on Monday reported that cyber assaults on its online videogame network were broader than first thought, with intruders getting away with credit and debit card data.EQ2 Wire reports that EverQuest 2 is down and has a round-up of the news. The worst part is that SOE assured customers on April 22nd that the Playstation Network hack did not involve the SOE databases. But according to an article in The Wall Street Journal, Sony has been under cyber attack for 6 weeks and has now drawn the attention of Congress. At this point, Sony has stated it will answer written questions but will not send representatives to appear at congressional hearings on the matter.
Hackers breached Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) network as well as PlayStation Network and Qriocity streaming music service, according to the Japanese consumer electronics giant.
"We had previously believed that Sony Online Entertainment customer data had not been obtained in the cyber-attacks on the company," the company said in an online update.
"But, on May 1st we concluded that SOE account information may have been stolen and we are notifying you as soon as possible."
Engineers and security consultants investigating the PlayStation Network breach discovered evidence that information was stolen from 24.6 million SOE accounts and from an outdated database containing people's financial data.
About 12,700 credit or debit card numbers, along with expiration dates, belonging to people outside the United States may have been stolen along with 10,700 direct debit records of customers in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain, according to Sony.
"We will be notifying each of these customers promptly," the Japanese consumer electronics giant promised.
Some people talk about not trusting SOE becase of the Star Wars: Galaxies NGE so many years ago. I think this is a heck of a lot more serious. And on a personal note, even with the recent forum problems, I'm feeling a lot safer with CCP than I am with some of the other companies. I think I'm fortunate in that I gave up playing EverQuest 2 over 18 months ago and decided that SW:G was not for me. While SOE does have a credit card on file for me, it expired 6 months ago. Lucky me.
Update: EQ2 Wire is now conducting a poll asking when people believe EverQuest 2 will come back online.