
Friday, June 7, 2024

A Few Quick Thoughts On EVE: Equinox Before Reading The Patch Notes

Today I woke up to a new video summarizing all the new features and items coming to EVE Online in the Equinox expansion on Tuesday. My compliments to whoever created the video as I have something to use to explain the expansion.

The accompanying dev blog had something eye-opening.

Sovereignty hubs and upgrades do not have any ISK maintenance, however all the new sovereignty upgrades require some of the limited supply of power and workforce to be allocated to them, with some of the new upgrades additionally requiring one of the new reagents as fuel to operate. Deploying, reinforcing, and capturing sovereignty hubs works the same way as with the infrastructure hub. 

CCP is removing a large ISK sink? Okay, so after taking a quick look at the patch notes, I think the developers more than make up for the 1.7 trillion ISK drain of currency in other ways. But how will the change affect the big rental empires?

Before releasing the patch notes, CCP held a Twitch stream where various members of CCP came in and talked about the expansion. One of the big points I noticed was the removal of ship hulls from loyalty point stores. Blueprint copies only. I remember years ago I had a dream of building and selling Nestors on the market. But what was the point when people could just buy the completed hull for less than the manufacturing materials? Did some dreams just become revived?

Also, wormhole income is taking a hit. CCP Rattani implied that wormholers shouldn't be too upset. Based on prior experience, I'm not so sure.

I am writing and posting this during my lunch break. I will spend the weekend pouring over the patch notes, but at the very least EVE: Equinox is going to shake up the sandbox. I anticipate lots of tears. I just don't know from which corners of New Eden.

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