
Monday, June 10, 2024

EVE: Equinox Patch Notes - General Manufacturing

EVE Online's Equinox expansion, set to launch on 11 June 2024, is the game's fourth full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive and dense. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. For both the Viridian and Havoc expansions I wrote a series of posts based on the patch notes with other information added to hopefully make absorbing all the information less painful. This fourteenth post in the series for Equinox will cover additional changes to player vs environment content. 

While not the final subject in my series of articles on the Equinox patch notes, the manufacturing section is the last section of the actual patch notes. As such, the information are the loose ends not belonging to any other subject. Still, the news about removing ship hulls from loyalty point stores is significant.


Concord Rogue Analysis Beacon

  • Reduced amount of Megacyte required for manufacturing by 50%

A CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon is a deployable beacon that can be used in Low and Null security space to research local Rogue Drone activity. Once a beacon is deployed and linked to, it will spawn waves of rogue drones that attack capsuleers around the beacon or the beacon itself. Effectively, this is a deployable PvE site in space.

LP Stores

  • Removed all Ship Hulls from LP Stores.
  • Added new manufacturing component, NET Resonator, for each Pirate Faction for the manufacture of sub-capital hulls.
  • Changed LP Offers for pirate hull BPCs.
  • Sub-capital Pirate Hulls
    • Removed Neurolink Conduits from sub-capital pirate ship manufacturing.
    • Added new component, NET Resonators, to sub-capital pirate ship manufacturing.
On a live stream CCP stated the removal of the ships from the LP stores in order to encourage more manufacturing.

The final two items are:

T2 Capital Guns
  • Reduced amount of Morphite or Robotics required for manufacturing T2 Capital Guns by 50%.

Genetic Mutation Inhibitors
  • A new skill, Mutagenic Stabilization, has been added as a requirement to build Genetic Mutation Inhibitors. The skill gives a 2% reduction in manufacturing time for all items requiring it per level. The skillbook has a training multiplier of 2x and can be found in the standard empire schools for the price of 15m.

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