After experiencing the near painless process of EVE Online's Equinox launch, I now get to go through a Final Fantasy XIV launch. While the full launch of Dawntrail is on 2 July, the process begins next Wednesday. So far this week Creative Studio 3 has published not one but two articles on The Lodestone concerning the launch and the probable congestion afterwards. I thought some people might get their eyes opened by what the FFXIV developers and players go through when a new expansion launches.
The time scheduled for the launch of Dawntrail is a little longer than the almost 30 minutes CCP took to launch Equinox. Square Enix plans on taking down all worlds at 2am PDT/9am UTC on Wednesday, 26 June and bring them back online at 2am PDT/9am UTC on Friday, 28 June. The maintenance may go longer, but the world servers will not come online before the scheduled time on Friday.
One thing I really like about the way Square Enix rolls out an expansion is the developers allow players to download the new client during the downtime. PS4, PS5, and XBox users can begin downloading the client around 4am PDT/11am UTC on Wednesday and PC and Mac users can begin their downloads around 8am PDT/3pm UTC on Friday. Square Enix will announce when downloads are ready on The Lodestone in the news under "Special Event".
Besides the world servers, the following services will be affected by the downtime.
- Data Center Travel will be suspended 30 minutes before maintenance begins, and will be unavailable until maintenance has ended.
- The Home World Transfer Service will be suspended 30 minutes before maintenance begins. In consideration of the high server load expected immediately after the start of early access and the release of Patch 7.0, the Home World Transfer Service is scheduled to open on June 29, 2024 1:00 a.m. (PDT)
- We will also be performing maintenance on the following Mog Station services. Please see "Online Store / Mog Station Maintenance (Jun. 26-28)" for details.
- - Character Renaming Service
- - Item code/Gift code entry
- We will also be performing maintenance on the FINAL FANTASY XIV COMPANION App. For details, please see "COMPANION App Maintenance (Jun. 26 - 28)".
- Any duty recorder data recorded prior to this maintenance can no longer be replayed after this maintenance.
- When a World has reached the maximum number of visiting characters, non-Home World characters that are logged out on that World will be unable to log in, and the World will be unavailable for visitation via Data Center Travel.
- Aether/Primal/Crystal: Will be unavailable for travel.
- Dynamis: Will remain available for travel, and the maximum number of traveling characters will be increased compared to usual. The newly added Worlds in the Dynamis Data Center are still relatively unpopulated and may be helpful login destinations when other Worlds are experiencing high congestion.
- Chaos/Light: Will be unavailable for travel.
- Shadow: Will be open to travel, with probationary Worlds which may be helpful login destinations when other Worlds are experiencing high congestion.
- Japanese Data Center → Oceanian Data Center
- North American Data Center → Oceanian Data Center
- European Data Center → Oceanian Data Center
- When a World has reached the maximum number of visiting characters, non-Home World characters that are logged out on that World will be unable to log in, and the World will be unavailable for visitation via the World Visit system.
Playing on Other Worlds During Congestion
High congestion is expected on all Worlds, especially those on the Japanese/North American/European Data Centers.Although Data Center Travel and World Visit will be limited as mentioned above,during periods of high congestion, you may want to consider playing on Worlds with relatively lower populations, new Worlds (NA/EU/OC), probationary Worlds (EU), and those on the Oceanian Data Center...While there will be restrictions based on the World Visit System or Data Center Travel, you will still be able to progress in main scenario quests, as well as find parties and participate in duties through the Duty Finder, so we recommend considering this method depending on your situation.
This error is displayed when the login server is experiencing high amounts of traffic or when the number of characters waiting in a login queue for a logical Data Center exceeds its maximum capacity.This is a measure to prevent the server from crashing due to extreme traffic loads.Should you encounter Error 2002 when attempting to log in, we apologize for the inconvenience, but ask that you wait a while before trying again. Furthermore, the aforementioned maximum capacity has been increased by roughly 50% compared to the launch of Endwalker.
- Japanese Data Center: From 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. (PDT)
- North American Data Center: From 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (PDT)
- European Data Center: From 4:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (PDT)
- Oceanian Data Center: From 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. (PDT)
To prevent World servers from crashing, the number of characters that can move between in-game areas within a certain timeframe will be limited. As such, the game may display "Unable to move areas due to congestion" when attempting to enter a different area. If this error is displayed, we ask that you try to change areas again or wait a while before attempting again. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation as we strive to provide a stable gameplay experience.
There is a possibility that certain instanced content, such as duties required to progress through quests, may experience congestion. For instanced duties required to progress a quest, we have devised methods to stagger player traffic during main scenario progression, and have also implemented a queue system in case of congestion. Should congestion occur, your number in the queue will be displayed upon attempting to enter the instance. We ask that you patiently remain in the queue as players are admitted into the instance in the order that they joined the queue.
Selecting and Confirming the Instanced AreaYou may choose to enter a specific instance of an area either by traveling to your destination through an entrance from a neighboring area or by interacting with an aetheryte in the area.When moving to these areas via teleport or Return, an instance will be automatically selected. Players can confirm which instance they are currently in through a log message in the chat or by using the “/instance” text command.Restrictions in Instanced AreasPlayers in different instances of the same area can communicate with Tell messages as normal. However, there are some restrictions such as being unable to see each other's character in the overworld.Entering the Same Instanced Area As Your PartyParty members will generally be moved to the same instanced area when using teleport or Return. However, party members may be split between different instances if the destination instance has reached the player cap. As such, players may not always end up in the same instance, and may need to select their desired instance either by traveling through an entrance from a neighboring area or by interacting with an aetheryte in their desired area.