
Monday, June 10, 2024

EVE: Equinox Patch Notes - Corporation Projects

EVE Online's Equinox expansion, set to launch on 11 June 2024, is the game's fourth full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive and dense. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. For both the Viridian and Havoc expansions I wrote a series of posts based on the patch notes with other information added to hopefully make absorbing all the information less painful. This ninth post in the series for Equinox will cover the changes to corporation projects.

Corporation projects were first introduced to EVE in last summer's Viridian expansion. The expansion website described the addition of new projects to the system.

New Corp Project Engagement Methods: Expand the ways members can lend their hand to corporation projects through new avenues such as ship loss (enabling the automation of ship replacement programs), salvaging wrecks, and earning Loyalty Points. Each new corporation project type has several options allowing leaders nuanced control over the incentives provided to members, making them more accessible and rewarding.

With Equinox, we will continue to build out the library of player activities that Corporations can author Corporation Projects for.

Introduced three new contribution methods to the Corporation Projects:

  • Ship Loss
  • Earn LP
  • Salvage Wreck

This update increases the total number of contribution methods available to 15.

The dev blog on the subject described the methods in further detail.

Ship Loss Projects: These projects give corporations the support they need to automate ship replacement programs by monitoring ship losses under predefined conditions and awarding ISK payouts accordingly. Conditions can be tailored to specify ship type, loss location, and the organization responsible, ensuring targeted support for corporation members and helping maintain fleet strength.

Earn Loyalty Points Projects: These automate LP buyback programs by setting a corp LP tax and offering ISK rewards for earning LP, applicable to any type of loyalty points. This flexibility provides valuable incentives for members to engage in loyalty point activities and contribute to the corporation’s growth.

Salvaging Projects: These projects monitor and reward the salvaging of wrecks, incentivizing members to keep their space clean or identify salvage operations during fleet combat. This adds another layer of engagement and responsibility within the corporation and further recognizes the contribution of the explorers and scavengers out there.

The patch notes went into explanation mode at this point. In the past, CCP was criticized for not telling the player base what the developers intended with changes.

These new contribution methods empower Corporations to:

  • Create Automated Ship Replacement programs:
    • Corporations can now automate SRPs using the Ship Loss contribution method in their projects, streamlining a previously manual process that often had to be handled outside of the game.

  • Incentivize Loyalty Point activities:
    • Corporations can incentivize activities that earn LP, particularly valuable for Factional Warfare (FW) corporations and their pilots.

  • LP Buyback Programs:
    • Corporations can set up LP buyback programs with ISK payouts by creating Earn LP projects and setting the LP tax to 100%.

  • Incentive Salvaging:
    • Corporations can now incentivize salvaging activities, offering a valuable income source for new players and promoting cooperation.

And finally, the user interface for the corporation interface received upgrades.

Overhauled Corp Window UI Navigation

  • The UI navigation pattern has been updated to follow the navigational pattern established by the AIR Opportunities Window.

  • Tooltips have been added to each section describing its purpose and listing the roles required to access it

The expansion website went into a little more detail.

Corporation window overhaul: A streamlined and intuitive UI makes navigating and utilizing the corporation window easier than ever for corp leaders and members alike. Enhanced with icons, tooltips and a consistent navigation structure, managing roles and understanding the hierarchy of content is more straightforward than ever, paving the way for future enhancements.

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