With Trion dropping the NDA on the RIFT beta, the first reports are starting to circulate across the MMO blogosphere. Here is a short roundup.
The RIFT had RIFT's Executive Producer Scott Hartsman on to answer a few questions about the betas and why the sudden dropping of the NDA.
Karen Bryan at Massively.com - "RIFT isn't perfect, and there's a lot that might feel all-to-familiar, but the rift invasions and the soul system address the two biggest problems in MMOs today: lack of player interaction and the limitations of the holy trinity in groups."
Karen is a veteran EQ2 player and guild leader and may be better known for co-hosting the Shut Up, We're Talking podcast. Her's was an opinion I was looking forward to reading. Massively.com has come out with a lot of stories covering RIFT yesterday.
Tipa at West Karana - "I want to tell why this makes me feel like I felt when playing EverQuest, even though it really is nothing like EQ."
Syp at Bio Break - "The answers are 'Yes, although not perfect” and “Most definitely'."
Keen - "Rift is an all-around good game. That’s something that needs to be said up front since I will be delivering a few harsh truths to you as you read on. Look at what has released over the past five plus years and you won’t find much better."
Kill Ten Rats - "Rift MMO feels like a polished Warhammer Online with more dynamic public quests. I am going to get it."
Blagpuss on Hardcore Casual - "What Trion have done, very professionally and successfully, is cherry-pick lots of things from other MMOs and synthesized them smoothly and convincingly into a coherent whole. Warhammer crossed with WoW is a pretty fair description, but I spotted a large dollop of EQ2 in there and a soupcon of Vanguard, while other people claimed to see strong ressemblences to Aion."