Regular visitors to The Nosy Gamer may have noticed a little rearranging I've done to the site layout. I've put all the Eve-related sites on the right hand side and all other subjects on the left. I've also put the podcasts on the top of each column. Part of the reason is to remind me when I need to plug in my iPod and iPad to update the podcasts I keep on them. And after listening to a few this week, I have a couple of observations.
First, the Notalotofnews Newshour. I was listening to episode 28 and I thought to myself, this format sounds familiar. Then I listened a little more, and I thought, "Yivvits and mrbubbles". It could be. Has anyone seen Erin and Yivvits in the same room? I'm two episodes behind right now and really need to listen some more.
Next is Broadcasts from the Ninveah. First, Kirith is a carrier (and super-carrier) pilot, but for some reason the show notes on his site are occasionally stealthed. That kind of thing should be reserved for cloaky freaks like me. And on episode 30 (which has the stealth notes) he titled the show "Canadian Bacon" but never apologized for Brian Adams. False advertising?
Finally is the case of The RIFT Podcast. With the incredible access that Ari and Desi have to not only the community management staff but to the developers (Scott Hartsman twice!), I've wondered if the pair were either in the pockets of Trion or were using Jedi mind tricks. At this point, I'm leaning toward the latter. Ari wrote a post about the reservations and concerns she has about RIFT following the beta that I give far more credence to that those posted by Keen. And on an appearance on Shut Up! We're Talking Episode 75, I think Ari let loose about the MMO industry in a more relaxed way that when she is hosting her own podcast. I know want to go back and listen to Karen when she appeared on RIFT Podcast Episode 12.