Sunday did not start out well. I did not feel well and waking up to do planetary interaction was not what I wanted to do. So after determining that I needed to change the PI harvesting cycle from early morning to late at night, I logged into the game for 20 minutes and went back to bed for 5 hours. I didn't even sleep that late when recovering from jet lag.
Once I finally woke up, I decided to do a little light activity while watching football. Making bookmarks does not have to be as stressful as I made it last weekend. So I just relaxed and created observation bookmarks at the asteroid belts in the high-sec system I do most of my planetary interaction activity in. Why? Because the mining is pretty decent in that system and by using bookmarks I can speed up the time it takes to start mining. Instead of warping to the entry point of an asteroid belt and then having to slow boat to the asteroids, a miner can warp to the bookmark, see where the asteroids are, and then warp to the asteroid. A great time saver.
The best part of creating bookmarks in high sec is that I don't have to sneak around. Just warp to the entry point of a belt and then hit the micro-warp drive until I reach 150 km away from the belt and then make a bookmark. Easy. The next time I do this in high sec I'm going to use something that can fight back, since I could have picked up a little spare isk by shooting all the rats that came out to chase me.
I was feeling a bit better after I ate dinner so I decided to brush up on my exploration skills instead of watching the Patriots-Packers game. I'm glad I did. I found two sites in the system, a magnetometric and a combat site. The magnetometric site turned out to be an old Angel Cartel ship graveyard and I got about 2-3 million isk in salvage from it. But the pleasant surprise I received was in the combat site. After clearing out the Angel Cartel ships I found Jaspet and Hemorphite. I hit the jackpot!
Okay, for me it was the jackpot. Two types of low-sec ore in a .6 security system? And more importantly for my industrial plans, two types of ore that produce zydrine, which is very important for some of the production I want to get into to. One thousand units of zydrine will go a long way. And the 22,000 units of nocxium I can refine from the ore is even more welcome, since I was beginning to run low.
One other thing I should mention. Last night was the first time I had mined outside of a mission in months. But I still remembered to bring a Mammoth along to not only hold the ore, but to salvage all the rats that made the mistake of attacking my Covetor. A tractor beam and salvager brought in enough salvage and loot to pay for the hemorphite mining crystals and Hemorphite Processing skill book I had to buy before going out on the mining op. And how did I get my hemorphite processing skill up to level 3 so I could use the mining crystals? Some unused skill points from the learning skills point refund last week. Sometimes things just happen right. Now if I just didn't feel so miserable while being so happy.