Perhaps the maintenance crew didn't switch out the pod goo properly, but I was pretty disappointed when I read VG24/7's interview with CCP's Chief Marketing Officer and Interim Executive Producer David Reid.1 I knew that CCP Seagull's vision of player-made star gates jumping into the great unknow would take years to build and was ready to ride the story for that time. But expecting David Reid to hold back on information that could help him sell the game now is pretty silly in its own right.
EVE University's Neville Smit has a really good write-up on the future of Eve that explores the meaning of the information that Mr. Reid revealed and why the interview actually is the real thing and not just another flawed attempt by a games journalist to explain what is happening in Eve. In my view he took away some of those potential "holy shit" moments that CSM Vice-Chairman Ripard Teg has referred to. So yeah, advancing the main story line will require players to run ghost sites for the next 3-4 years. I would have preferred to learn that as the story progressed and not before we crossed the Rubicon.
So with the spoilers, part of the incentive of just going with the flow of the main story is gone. Exploring around low sec hoping to find something in some out of the way system of vast importance just isn't going to happen. Just that possibility, even knowing I probably would find nothing, would have spiced up the game for me. Now? Thanks Mr. Reid!
So now is time for Plan B. I'd tell you the details, but I don't have one made yet. I have a little time as I'm still grinding loyalty points for the Sisters of EVE. But I have a lot of vacation time I need to take before the end of the year so I'll have some time to come up with one.
1. I refuse to use his dev name as I believe using it may violate point 2 of the Terms of Service.