The answer may surprise people. Chribba did a search of the forums and discovered the first mention of "EVE is dying" was posted by Madox on 30 July 2003:
Posted - 2003.07.30 19:45:00 - [8]That's right. The players began proclaiming that EVE is dying 11 years ago today. Apparently EVE is afflicted with a long, lingering, illness.
i think people forget that we are paying for a service here.
if you were at a restaurant and they told you your food would be ready in an hour then 15 minutes after the hour they told you it would instead take an additional hour AND THEN they don't bring your meal out for another two hours without telling you, something would be seriously wrong.
now image that restaurant has 5000 people in it.
we are the customers here. we are paying for a service. we have every right to question what is going on. now granted, isk refunds for missed productivity and asking for some sort of public appology that all the devs signed is just plain silly. however, a dev CAN take 35 seconds out of their busy schedule and make a small post on the devblog letting the paying customers know what is going on.
i think that is all anybody is really asking for.
*eve is dying*