
Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Return To Datacore Farming

Yesterday was the first time I was excited about getting home from work and playing EVE Online in a very long time.  Does having an industry UI I don't have to fight with make that big of a difference?  Yes!

I know that Crius launched with a lot of bugs.  Yes, the UI not updating correctly once a job was delivered was irritating, but that was fixed this morning (I hope).  But last night was more about updating my long neglected datacore farm.  I want to make a Prospect and need the Gallente Spaceship Engineering datacores.  So I needed to drop a level 2 research agent in Metropolis and hire a level 3 one in Essence.

In EVE, one does not simply fire an agent long distance.  That's because the agent will keep any datacores (or the research points used to buy the datacores) once told to go away.  The agents aren't very helpful once told to go away.  They just stop talking until you apologize or fly away.  But if you apologize, they still keep the research points.  Research agents are petty like that.

All told, my trip took 43 jumps and collected 45 datacores.  Not that cost effective, but gave me an excuse to really open up the speed on my warp speed rigged Prowler.  The two things I love in EVE are speed and stealth and the blockade runner has both.  I had three nanos in the lows which cut down on the align time, but was just a bit of overkill.  I hear CCP created a new module for the lows that boosts warp speed even more.  I should probably look into getting one.

My flying for the night wasn't over.  I had 100,000 rounds of tech 2 ammo to deliver to Molden Heath.  Did I mention I love flying with small cargoes?  I know I'm supposed to min/max everything, but EVE is such a beautiful game that a chance to just fly and watch the planets pass by is too good to pass up.  Besides, I was kind of excited because this was the first time I was putting tech 2 ammo on the market.

With production costs up in the air due to the industry changes, I double-checked my calculations to make sure I wasn't dropping a zero.  Nope.  Not only that, but I was competitive, putting up a price that I thought was fair.  Okay, maybe I charged more than Jita prices, but for one of the ammo types I was actually offering a price lower than that found in both Rens and Hek on Wednesday.  Quite frankly, I worry more about prices in the trade hubs of the Republic than I do some distant cesspool of scum and villainy in the Caldari State.

Of course, I ended the night picking out blueprints to research and copy.  Since I'm interested in making a Prospect, I took my researched Venture BPO and set up to make 5 30-run copies.  When doing invention, I like the number 5 for some reason.  The only disappointing thing is that I'm still doing industry stuff on one character.  I have 4 with training!  I guess the good news is I have more to look forward to tonight.