Play Final Fantasy XIV long enough and character progression leads to learning additional jobs. After leveling Scholar to 80, I decided to add the Paladin job to my character. Yes, the Endwalker trailer featuring a Paladin totally influenced the decision. I also played a paladin in Vanilla WoW and Everquest 2. But in 16 years of playing MMORPGs, I had never tanked a dungeon.
Leveling up a third job does present some challenges. With my first job, White Mage, I could just run the main story quest line. When levelling Scholar, I relied on running beast tribe quests from 60 to 80. For the third job, I think I need to rely on activities outside my comfort zone. Tanking dungeons definitely fits that description.
I’m keeping a diary of my journey from a new Gladiator to a level 80 Paladin. After a few days I decided to bundle the entries into sections that readers may find useful. This first post covers the three days I took to reach level 16. Please remember I’m writing as a character who has already finished the MSQ.
Day 1. Before heading to the Gladiator’s Hall in Ul’dah, I prepared for the change from a level 80 healer to a level 1 tank. I dug out my beginner’s Mi’qote gear to avoid having to run around the city in my small clothes once I accepted the first quest. I also put on the Brand-new Ring obtained from completing the tutorial from The Smith and Menphina’s Earring from pre-ordering Endwalker. Both add a 30% experience boost. The Brand-new Ring gives the bonus up to level 30 and Menphina’s Earring continues up to level 80. Combined with the Armoury Bonus of 100% up to level 70 and 50% from 71 to 80 and leveling should go fast.
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First view of the Gladiator's Hall |
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Appearance after day 1 |
Day 3. My goal for the day was to reach level 15 so I could start running dungeons. I travelled to Central Shroud to do levequests and FATES. An important note is make sure who the quest giver is before using the aetheryte. I went to the wrong place. However, I did two FATES, received the challenge log bonus for completing 5 FATES, and reached level 13.
For the grind to level 14 I went back to Horizon to complete three of the entries in the Hunting Log. While at the aetheryte I picked up the four levequests from Totonowa. Two of the quests led me to the west. What happened next was a busy few minutes.
While killing Guillotine Beaks for the Beak to Beak quest, I encountered Scaphites which were the #16 entry in the Hunting Log. Then while killing Scaphites I spotted Thickshells, which were the #13 entry in the log. But on the way to kill the Thickshells, a FATE spawned. So I participated in the FATE. Upon completing the FATE I was free to kill the Thickshells. Before I could leave the area to do another levequest, another FATE appeared. Completing the second FATE resulted in reaching level 14.
After the flurry of activity, completing the other three levequests seemed anti-climatic. But upon turning in the last quest, I was level 15 and headed back to Ul’dah.
I had two final goals for the day. The first was to complete all the tank tutorials from The Smith. I found the tutorials helpful, although admittedly I did them for the free upgraded items. One of the tutorials required using Shield Lob, which is granted by doing the level 15 gladiator quest. So off to the Gladiators Guild I went.
Mylla sent me off to Eastern Thanalan to rescue a wounded guildmate. On the way, I ran across Tuco-tucos and Myotragus Billies, two entries in the Hunting Log. Killing those mobs put me at level 16.
The second half of the quest led to a fight between Aldis and Mylla and my going to the Quicksand with Aldis. We wound up in a bar fight, with assassins failing to kill Aldis again. One of the interesting bits of information in the quest is that Gerald, the drunken blacksmith who makes all the relic weapons, made Aldis’ sword. But I received Shield Lob.
After the quest I went back to The Smith and finished up the tutorials. I got some good things, but I didn’t get Brand New Hands. I didn’t want to start using glamour plates yet, so I wound up buying the Plundered gear set off the market for 26 gil for a better look. I also bought a Bronze Scutum and Plundered Plate Belt to finish off my set. I was ready to start running dungeons.
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Gear at the end of day 3 |