
Friday, November 30, 2012

2013: A Year For Living Dangerously?

Yesterday I thought about how I can make ISK in Eve while playing Guild Wars 2.  Today I'll go to the other extreme and think about actually shooting ships piloted by other players.  I started thinking about that when reading Andski's article on, "The Perpetually Unprepared".  I don't think I totally fit Andski's stereotype as I do fly around low sec and actually killed a Thrasher that attempted to gank Wandering Rose while she was mining in a .2 system.  But normally my PvP consists of see player, run from player.

That may change in 2013.  I have the learned skills to succeed in PvP on Rosewalker and with the diversion in my skill plan to ensure I can fly all the battlecruisers I can not only fly all of the Minmatar well but also all of the Caldari missile boats up to the Drake.  Once I finish getting all my scan probe skills up to 5 I can work on the other races weapons and electronic warfare skills.

I do have another option mentioned by Andski in the article and use an alt.  I have a third account in which I'm training industrial alts.  Currently I have two characters, an Amarr miner and a Gallente transport pilot who will finish the current skill plan on 1 January.  Both characters either have or will have the Core Competency certificate trained up to Standard by the end of the year.  Training the gunnery and ship command skills shouldn't take too long.

Or I could just create another Minmatar pilot to begin the year and go out to low sec with guns blazing.  Why not?  My alt could fly the Minmatar ships Rosewalker can fly, just with minimal skills instead of all the support skills at 5.  If I do that when I take Rosewalker out on a roam combat will seem much easier.  Maybe even join RvB and stay nice and safe in The Forge.  Oh, that's part of the reason I don't take Rosewalker to RvB; he isn't well liked by the Caldari police.

One other event makes getting into PvP more attractive: Retribution.  With CCP revamping so many ships the whole metagame is changing.  This is probably the time to jump in, get my feet wet and learn with everyone else.

I'm not saying I will absolutely, positive jump into PvP and become the terror of New Eden.  Rawr!  The picture in my mind of that makes me laugh in real life.  But changing the way I play is always a possibility and and if I have learned one thing about Eve is that change is the only constant.