Back when I first started playing Eve Online I also played EverQuest 2. I found I could make some money in Eve while playing EQ2 by parking a Mammoth in a belt fit with a Mining Laser II and letting the cargo hold fill up. I wasn't AFK because I use one keyboard to control two computers so I could just glace up and check on my mining industrial from time to time. Of course as I started playing more and made Eve my main game I got out of the habit of doing so because I was too busy playing on my main accounts.
When I read Sugar Kyle's post about her new Orca I thought "why aren't I doing that?". Sugar Kyle has an alt account that she uses for just mining. Now, I just can't do that while playing Eve because I can't multi-task that well, but I could put the industrial alt I created on a third account in an old Retriever in a belt while I play Guild Wars 2. Or maybe even a Mackinaw. With the new improved ore bays those ships actually can carry more ore than my old Mammoth. I just need to make sure my strip miners don't go silent, but I should be able to do that easily.
Perhaps I'll start tonight, if I get home at a decent time. The only problem I have is that Wandering Rose is the only pilot I have with both the skills and the standings with various NPC corporations to have perfect refining anywhere. Time to outfit a new clone with suitable implants so I don't lose training time when I clone jump? Oh good, another project to keep me busy.