
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Almost Done

I really intended to have a post written by now, but playing video games got in the way. Next Tuesday is the end of the Shadow of the Serpentis event in EVE Online and I got on a roll starting Sunday afternoon and extending into last night. I began Thursday with 32,000 points, needing 18,000 more to get the top reward.

Early in the night I ran into a pilot named Mot tita, the CEO of Calpulli Elemental, in his Sleipnir. We just teamed up and took a short, 9 jump trip. We blew through 22 Serpentis Shipyard and Research Facility sites in less than 2 hours.

I don't know if CCP increased the spawn rate, or we just got lucky, but I wound up gaining 2,500 points. My status for the event, with 7 days to go, is...

As for that post I meant to finish? I need to rework it. I gained a couple of insights that I want to include. Maybe I'll finish in time for Friday. Unless, of course, I'm too busy playing EVE.