
Sunday, November 12, 2023

EVE: Havoc Patch Notes: Corruption And Suppression

EVE Online's Havoc expansion, set to launch on 14 November 2023, is the game's third full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. The format worked so well for the Viridian expansion I thought I'd try for Havoc as well. This post, the fourth in the series, will cover the corruption and suppression systems introduced with pirate insurgencies.

CCP provided the following description when introducing the concept of corruption and suppression back in October.

Systems within a Pirate Insurgency can be affected by capsuleer activity to convey a level of corruption and/or suppression. The more criminal activity the pirates engage in, the more the crime level increases, and that will determine the corruption level of any given system within an Insurgency. Conversely, those aligned with empire militia can partake in law enforcement activities which, if successful, can increase the level of suppression within a system. The overall progress of an Insurgency, including the stage of corruption and/or suppression of the individual solar systems within, will be made visible in the Insurgencies UI in-game. 

The patch notes go into greater detail.

  • As insurgency content is completed by either the Pirate or Anti-Pirate sides, systems will increase in Corruption or Suppression. When certain thresholds of Corruption or Suppression are reached, the system will go up to the next Corruption or Suppression stage. Each stage can bring in new effects and shape the rules of the system.

  • Note that while insurgency content is currently the only way to raise or lower suppression, it’s possible for any system in the game to have a corruption or suppression value, and many of the effects apply outside insurgencies.

  • In the future, we may add new features which can raise or decrease these values in a system.


As the corruption level increases in a system, various bonuses will be granted in that space that alter the nature of it, and the effects will become cumulative. The intention is to convey a feeling of law and order breaking down, and the pirates reveling in that lawlessness.

The Corruption effects listed here are the cumulative effects of the current stage and the stages before it.

Stage 1:

  • Increased PVP loot drops for pirates 7.5% total bonus.
  • Faction Navy and Criminal Police NPCs stop spawning in high security systems.

Stage 2:

  • Increased PVP loot drops for pirates 15% total bonus.
  • Faction Navy and Criminal Police NPCs stop spawning in high security systems.
  • In Insurgency systems, roaming pirate spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is not aligned to the current pirate faction leading the insurgency.

Stage 3:

  • Increased PVP loot drops for pirates 22.5% total bonus.
  • Faction Navy and Criminal Police NPCs stop spawning in high security systems.
  • In Insurgency systems, more powerful roaming pirate spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is not aligned to the current pirate faction leading the insurgency.
  • UNIQUE: If in an Insurgency, the system will spread the insurgency to an adjacent system to this system if possible. If not possible, it will instead spread to any system adjacent to the insurgency.

Stage 4:

  • Increased PVP loot drops for pirates 30% total bonus.
  • Faction Navy and Criminal Police NPCs stop spawning in high security systems.
  • In Insurgency systems, more powerful roaming pirate spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is not aligned to the current pirate faction leading the insurgency.
  • All players who are in pirate militia gain a +2au/s warp speed bonus.
Stage 5 - Max Corruption:

  • Increased PVP loot drops for pirates 37.5% total bonus.
  • Faction Navy and Criminal Police NPCs stop spawning in high security systems.
  • In Insurgency systems, more powerful roaming pirate spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is not aligned to the current pirate faction leading the insurgency.
  • All players who are in pirate militia gain a +2au/s warp speed bonus.
  • Sentry guns in Lowsec will no longer respond to players who get a suspect timer in their presence.
  • UNIQUE: Highsec Only - Attacking ships, structures and drones is now possible without a criminal timer and CONCORD response. CONCORD will only respond to capsule kills or assisting someone with a criminal timer in the system.
  • UNIQUE: Lowsec Only - Sentry Guns will now additionally ignore all criminal timers in their presence. Players can now use Interdiction Sphere Launchers, Warp Disruption Field Generators, Bomb Launchers and Defender Launchers.

In a situation where suppression increases within an Insurgency system, that too will feel uniquely impactful, but more secure since suppression is effectively law enforcement. As capsuleers aligned with empire militia complete activities in a Pirate Insurgency system and increase the level of suppression, a different set of effects can apply – and this can be in addition to corruption effects that have already been applied due to the simultaneous nature of the corruption-suppression race.

The Suppression effects listed here are the cumulative effects of the current stage and the stages before it.

Stage 1:

  • Increased bounties from NPCs 5% total bonus.
  • Increased security status gains from NPCs 5% total bonus.

Stage 2:

  • Increased bounties from NPCs 10% total bonus.
  • Increased security status gains from NPCs 10% total bonus.
  • Increased empire FW militia LP gains, i.e. state protectorate 5% total bonus.

Stage 3:

  • Increased bounties from NPCs 15% total bonus.
  • Increased security status gains from NPCs 15% total bonus.
  • Increased empire FW militia LP gains, i.e. state protectorate 10% total bonus.
  • Corruption gains for the system are reduced by 30%.
  • In Insurgency systems, roaming enforcer spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is enlisted with pirates but will be neutral to other pilots.

Stage 4:

  • Increased bounties from NPCs 20% total bonus.
  • Increased security status gains from NPCs 20% total bonus.
  • Increased empire FW militia LP gains, i.e. state protectorate 15% total bonus.
  • Corruption gains for the system are reduced by 30%.
  • In Insurgency systems, more powerful roaming enforcer spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is enlisted with pirates but will be neutral to other pilots.
  • All players who are in empire militia gain a 10% bonus to the range of stasis webifiers and warp scramblers.

Stage 5 - Max Suppression:

  • Increased bounties from NPCs 25% total bonus.
  • Increased security status gains from NPCs 25% total bonus.
  • Increased empire FW militia LP gains, i.e. state protectorate 20% total bonus.
  • Corruption gains for the system are reduced by 30%.
  • In Insurgency systems, more powerful roaming enforcer spawns will start to appear and warp around the system. These NPCs will engage anyone who is enlisted with pirates but will be neutral to other pilots.
  • All players who are in empire militia gain a 10% bonus to the range of stasis webifiers and warp scramblers.
  • UNIQUE: In Insurgency systems, elite sentry guns will be deployed by the roaming enforcer NPCs. These sentry guns are vastly more powerful than the regular sentry guns, including ECM and target painting effects in addition to vastly increased damage per second. These sentry guns are also immune to the sentry gun disabling effects from Corruption 5.

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