
Monday, November 13, 2023

EVE: Havoc Patch Notes: EDENCOM

EVE Online's Havoc expansion, set to launch on 14 November 2023, is the game's third full expansion since the return of the content format in November 2022. The patch notes are fairly extensive. I find reading lengthy patch notes rather boring, so I also like to go to other sources for information. The format worked so well for the Viridian expansion I thought I'd try for Havoc as well. This post, the eighth in the series, will cover updates to EDENCOM, a faction in New Eden.

In game terms, EDENCOM was the foil CCP used to introduce the Triglavians to EVE. Introduced in the third chapter of the Triglavian invasion storyline in May 2020, many players became upset when CCP did not treat EDENCOM like they did the Triglavians following the creation of Pochven. I'm not sure the contents of the patch notes will satisfy players let down by the inconclusive end of the EDENCOM story.

First, CCP took care of some skillbook issues.

  • Skillbooks for the EDENCOM ships and Vorton Projectors will now be available in CONCORD and DED stations instead of being exclusively purchased from the character sheet.
    • The Vorton specialization skillbooks are still exclusive to the DED LP store.
Next, boosters were updated to apply to EDENCOM weapons.
  • All variants of the Pyrolancea damage boosters will now boost Vorton Projector Damage.

  • The ‘Halycon’ Login boosters have been updated to benefit Vorton Projectors in a similar way to how existing turrets/missiles are bonused by them.
In addition to updating boosters, CCP updated the weapon damage to take advantage of wormhole effects.
  • Wormhole environment system-wide effects will now affect and benefit Vorton Projectors.
    • Wolf-Rayet wormholes will now apply their small weapon damage bonus to small Vorton Projectors.
    • Magnetar wormholes will now apply their damage bonus, as well as an explosion velocity penalty to Vorton Projectors.
    • Black-Hole wormholes will now apply an explosion velocity bonus to Vorton Projectors.
Finally where the Vorton Projectors are concerned, CCP is providing a greater selection of the weapons.
  • New mutaplasmids have been added for Vorton Tuning Systems.

  • Added faction and officer variants of the Vorton Tuning System weapon upgrade module.
    • Players can obtain these new mutaplasmids and weapon upgrades by aiding the empires against pirate insurgencies and turning in items at counter-insurgency operation facilities in their War HQs.
The most important reason for including an EDENCOM section in the patch notes is EDENCOM oversees the empire shipcasters. Here are the updates introduced in Havoc.
  • Increased the shield resistances of faction shipcaster beacons from 0% to 50% to double their effective hitpoints and make them easier to save from attacks with remote repair modules.
    • The passive shield regeneration time has also been doubled to keep their peak DPS regeneration the same.

  • Reduced the cost to upgrade a shipcaster construction beacon into the completed shipcaster beacon by approximately 50%. This also reduces the volume required by over 50% as well.
    • Upgrade Cost.
    • Nanotransitor from 8,000 to 2,000
    • Self-Harmonizing Power Core from 10 to 5
    • Smartfab Units from 300 to 150.
    • This has reduced the required volume for a full build of a shipcaster beacon from 3,600m3 to 1,400m3.

  • Increased the radius of the Shipcaster Beacons so that players will now appear in a much wider area of space around them when jumping through.

  • Added FW Militia NPCs to completed shipcaster landing pads as guards. These NPCs are very similar to existing FW NPCs and will attack anyone who is not aligned with the faction which owns the shipcaster.