
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Jumping Into The Final Ishgard Restoration Event

Today begins the final act of the Ishgard Restoration Event in Final Fantasy XIV. The Ishgardian effort to build up their city after the end of the Dragonsong War provides crafters and gatherers an opportunity to not only get a lot of cool mounts, minions, emotes, and glamour items, but titles as well. I'm not big into titles, but the ones for the event intrigued me.

Between 2am PST on 12 January to 10pm PST 21 January, players can earn Skyward points by gathering and crafting items. The top 100 players on each server in each of the 8 crafting classes and 3 gathering classes will receive a title. The top 12 players will receive the title "Saint of the Firmament" while the top 100 players will received the title "Beatus of the Firmament". Players cannot earn titles in more than one class during the event, meaning 1100 unique players will earn titles. 

The class I plan to compete with is the weaver. During the previous competition period at the beginning of patch 5.3. the final winning weaver on my server scored 4102 Skyward points. I figure I can wind up with 6000 points, which would have been good enough for 85th place. Barring a disaster in real life, trying to win a title is a realistic goal. I am not going to even think about getting a top 12 finish. In the previous contest, the 12th place finisher scored 321,959 points.

To collect the materials I'll need, I spent the last three weeks gearing up my botanist and mining gear. Thankfully, the two classes can use the same clothing and jewelry, which saved a lot of money. I went out and earned enough gil on the market to buy all the best in slot gear. I also did the relic tool quests  so I have best in slot tools as well. I spent way too much money overmelding my gear, but I gather up a lot more stuff during a gathering session now.  As long as I remember to eat Mushroom Saute (which I cook myself), I trigger all the bonuses on the gathering nodes in Diadem.

The way gathering in Diadem works means I will have a lot of leftover items I can't use to craft. That's okay, because I have two additional goals. The more items I gather, the more Skybuilders' scrips I earn. Patch 5.41 introduced a new crab mount and glamour set I can purchase with the scrips. With any luck, I might earn enough to own both by the end of the event.

The second additional goal is to replenish my wallet. I spent millions of gil equipping myself with best in slot gear, and then overmelding to get the most benefit from the gear. When I logged out last night before the servers shut down to install the patch, I had 2,001,000 gil. I'd like to get to 4 million by the end of the event. I did a gathering session when I woke up today and, so far, items are selling well. Selling 2 million gil worth of items in 9 days isn't totally out of the question.

The final goal, however, is the most important one. To have fun. I haven't felt excited about participating in a limited time event like the final season of the Ishgard Restoration in a long time. Win or lose, I just want to get away from the crazy world out there and enjoy myself.