
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Ishgard Restoration, Stage 4 Day 2 - The Big Shell Crab

Yesterday I earned 4047 Skybuilders' scrips and accomplished a major goal for the stage 4 of the Ishgard Restoration, the Big Shell mount.

I'm not really impressed. My favorite Ishgard Restoration mount is still Megalotragus. Also, my favorite small mount is still the Whisper-A-Go-Go mount from the Yo-Kai Watch event. But I might make the Big Shell mount my usual mount when spear fishing.

In the race for titles, I am still well back of the leaders. I'm not sure if there is a prize for most points across classes on a server, but Freya Albarn is running away with the race if there is. My personal effort to finish in the top 100 is still going well.

I moved up two spots up to 53rd place. The one point behind I am from 51st is due to forgetting to eat food when crafting one item. Crafting perfect items produces 30 points, and I only got 29 points for the one item. Still, I am now 959 points ahead of the the final spot.

Finally, I had another big day selling items on the market. On the second day of the event, I earned 593,082 gill. My total going back to Sunday afternoon is 1,478,643 gil, a personal record for a week. I think I'll reach my personal goal of 2 million gil easily. Can I get 3 million?

I'm still having fun and not experiencing burnout. I have the feeling some people may fall to the wayside, but I can't get overconfident just yet. After all, stage 4 is my final chance to get an Ishgard Restoration title. I don't want to blow the opportunity.